Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, April 24, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I give this door up to two years. Murphy and I so, called, put a band-aid on it. It is an off-size door between a linen and an interior door. The door has been on since the 1970s. We have plenty of plywood in the barn/shed. So next time this door crashes and burns, we will use some plywood in the barn/shed.

No explosion in my art experiment. The theme is “choices.” First, I took both of my Grandma’s names. Which is Olive and Elsie. Took four 2-inch square pieces of paper. And wrote on both sides. A word that starts with E. I don’t recall which words I used. Then, since my one Grandma’s name begins with an O. I use words that started with an O. I don’t remember all the other O words I used. So place the paper with the word on it. I should say this at this time. There was a word on both sides. So I ended up using the word “ostracized” And did some Automatic writing.

When I do another one, I wouldn’t won’t do both sides of the paper. My grandmother’s middle names were Beatrice and Mary. So, to represent those letters, I did a bee and a magnet. I cut out 2-inch squares and made a choice where they belonged.

I’m pretty satisfied with how it all went. However, I feel I need some type of guideline or template to use to keep things more in line.

When both of us worked, we only did the so-called surface clean. Both of us have been doing the so-called deeper clean. This morning, I worked on one of the counters, scrubbing and scraping crud off of it.

Hubby washed two windows, the slider, and the front window.

Add a few pages to my bullet journal.

I don’t know why, but when I charge the batteries on my phone, it messes up with the program to put photos on my laptop. It’s so frustrating. It did start to work after a week or so.

Coffee is on.


  1. frustrates me too.

  2. It looks like you're having some artsy fun out there!

  3. Good to see you enjoying the art stuff

  4. Nice art. I wish I was handy to fix things like your door

  5. That looks like a fun art project.

  6. I think it might be best to make a new door right away, then when it is needed you have it available right then.

  7. A door that opens and closes and keeps out the weather, is a good door.

  8. Your artwork looks like a fun thing to do. Deep cleaning, why does it never last?

  9. You really make fun art, great!


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Today Is Wednesday, January 15, 2025. This is what Happened.

  I usually don't start my blog post this time of the day. I thought I would get a start on it. Considering I'm having bite eat wit...