I usually don't start my blog post this time of the day. I thought I would get a start on it. Considering I'm having bite eat with Qunella at super one deli. They have good soup. Super reasonable priced. Afterward I'm going to my watercolor class. (The Annunciation – 1849/1850 – Located at the tate)
I thought yesterday was Wednesday. But today is. My shoes and sock was the last thing I put on today. I'm connecting with WORDLESS WEDNESDAY
Made to lunch at small bowl of Lobster bisque. It was $2 something. I need $3 for the donation can. It is for my watercolor class. (Dante version of Rachel and Leah – 1855 – Located at the Tate)
Today art movement is AESTHETICISM, which I never heard of. But I have heard the term “Art for art's sake” I will be sharing the work of DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETI. At first I didn't recognized his name put I did recognized these art piece. (Proserpine – 1874 – Located at the TATE.)
Coffee is on.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti painted Persephone a number of times in the 1870s. This version has lovely skin and superb dress material. There is an even better redheaded version of Persephone in Birmingham.