Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, February 13, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Let's start with the disappointing scale reading. Up two pounds. I could watch my carbs a lot closer than I do. It would be nice if Fat Secret would break down fats and carbs more.

I had a cherry parfait. Fat Secret lists a fruit parfait as 647 calories, but Safeway lists under 300 calories. I know it was under 300 calories. But I don't recall the exact amount of calories. The size was 9.8 ounces. (277g)

In general, they were more good than bad. Maybe I got my head in the sky. My daily calorie goal is under 2,200 calories. So far this month, my daily average has been 1960. 6 days I was over, and 7 days I was under. My carbs intake has been an average of 8 ounces (225g). Well, enough for the well-being.

I went to Sandpoint with my friend Lolita and went to Art at Yellow Room in Sandpoint. The theme was love.

Post tomorrow. But Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Planning to stay low when it comes to social media.


  1. Have a good weekend away from social media.

  2. Dieting is hard and often frustrating, I know.

  3. Sorry about the weight

  4. I am eating too many carbs too and I know I shouldn't, but those foods are so yummy!

  5. Keep trying but don't beat yourself up about it. Some people are just bigger.

  6. Lots of love to you on Valntine's Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Scales can be so discouraging!

  8. I am sorry about the disappointment on the scale. I unfortunately know the feeling. I've accepted, finally, weight loss is a marathon. Enjoy your days offline.

  9. Weight loss woes…I understand

  10. The best thing is to stay off the scale, stop stressing about it. Stress will put weight on, and move, move, move. Even if it's a little at a time. Enjoy your time off.

  11. I stopped stepping on the scale a long time ago. I try to keep my carbs less than 150 a day and my A1c has been good for the past year because of it.

  12. I need a social media detox. And it's a shame how so many things not good for us are enjoyable. All we should do is enjoy just a few spoonfuls because those are the ones that taste the best, but oh is that hard! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  13. Sometimes scales just add to our stress!
    Enjoy your time out from social media.

    All the best Jan

  14. As we get older it get harder to lose weight.
    I don’t even have scales. I go by how tight my clothes get.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...