Thursday, February 22, 2024

Today Is Thursday, February 22, 2024: This Is What Happened.


A quiet and simple day. Which I like. Took care of some things. Stop by my friend Lolita. Gave her a few lovely, pretty papers. I’m sure she can do something creative with it. My debit card came up missing. So, I checked my bank account online. All looks okay. Stop at the last two places I used it, and they didn’t have it. So I went to the bank to cancel that one and am now waiting for the replacement. I also stopped at our library and used their computer to get something printed out. I don’t have a printer. No hurry to get one, either. Just too much paper clutter.

I printed out 10 things about me for pen paling. Then, the very last thing I did before I came home was to get some groceries. Spend around $20.

Didn’t do bingo. I just can’t see putting it on a credit card. Bingo, it’s okay, once in a yellow moon. A blue moon is a little too much.

Today’s art theme or challenge is “Ladder.” If you could climb up a ladder and put something in, something different would come out. Question time...What inexpensive thing would you like to come out? Right now, I would say a scarecrow. 

I played RAIN THURSDAY ART DINNER DATE LADDERS. I had also planned to post a stew, so I did. Can’t find the recipe. Another time.

Coffee is on.


  1. That sounds pretty busy for a quiet day!

  2. Quiet days are nice.

  3. ...misplacing a debit card isn't good!

  4. Oh that is not good about the debit card. Hope all is well with the bank now.

  5. Very good ladder piece

  6. I lost my credit card recently. My bank was good enough to replace it when I contacted them by phone. Quick service, it was.

  7. Such a pain losing a bank card, not that I've ever done it.

  8. I remember when I lost my card, I rushed home and right away put a stop on the account and requested a new one. It took forever to arrive! luckily I had some cash to see me through.

  9. Hope your new card c omes soon, hugs, Valerie

  10. I love those quiet simple days too.

  11. Losing your card isn’t fun. Glad you were able to replace it.

  12. Sorry about your debit card! That is very frustrating.

  13. I'm so glad nothing had been taken from your account. That would be a real hassle.

  14. Losing your card must have been stressful. I hope the replacement comes soon. Alana

  15. you handled the lost card beautifully! All in all and nice day and pleasure to spend part of it with you! Aloha

  16. Bingo can be challenging. I worked a bingo once and some of the old ladies were runing 10 cards. They had to be sharp and fast but putting it on a credit card is not a good plan. You did right

  17. Hope your replacement card comes through soon.

    All the best Jan

  18. That's just terrible you lost your debit card but I'm glad no suspicious activity transpired in that period of time and that you're now waiting for a replacement. Have a doodletastic week!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...