Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, January 24, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I’m back and will take three days off from social media next month. For breakfast, we had a couple of spring rolls. Sounds strange, doesn’t it?

Start to go through the fabrics I have piled in the corner of the extra bedroom. Each day, I set the timer for 20 minutes and focus on a pile of fabric. At this time, I’m working on primary colors.

Not sure if we’re going down to Medford, Oregon, this spring. Murphy is talking about seeing his brother Coyle, who lives in Corvallis, Oregon. Plus, my cousin Rue lives in that same town. The only issue I have with Coyle’s stepdaughter is. She is a big-time Trump supporter and Christian fanatic. But most on my mom’s side leans towards Trump. My cousin Rue isn’t part of the Trump Cult.

Been doing some creativity in my art journal and artist trading cards.

Been enjoying looking at the 2023 artist from the Royal College of Art in London, England. Today’s artist is DIONNE SPARKS. She asks, “Why do we make things?” There is not just one answer. At first, I thought it was survival. I also like to make things to exercise my brain and emotional and spiritual well-being. Get those cells moving. I believe in “12 Generation: Letters to the Dead.” It was an interesting concept. Check out her links.

There is some on my paternal side I could go back 12 generations.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...I wouldn't want to be in the same zip code as Coyle’s stepdaughter.

  2. Some people like to make things, and some people don't. Of course, it also depends on what one is making. That's an interesting topic to explore.

  3. Spring rolls for breakfast are fine. Eat what is right for you. One day my father wanted lentil stew for breakfast. He thought he shouldn't since it was not typical breakfast fare. I made it for him. Why not?

  4. Welcome back. Some beautiful fabrics there I’d love to spend time just looking and playing with them
    I find life is much easier if I say I’m not interested in talking about politics or religion. I’m happy for you to believe what ever yo like. I just don’t want to discuss it.
    If there’re not happy with that. I leqve

  5. i like primary colours

  6. Yum, Springrolls for breakfast! I´m with ya!

  7. Incredible to be able to go back twelve generations, Peppy. Remarkable really!

  8. Be creative with the fabric, I saw an incredible portrait the other day all in quilting.

  9. Republican-Jesus Christians are difficult to visit with. Some of my friends an family are like that. I try to avoid subjects that trigger them.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...