Thursday, December 21, 2023

Today Is Thursday, December 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.


It has been a while since I sat down and did an actual post. “Happy First Day of Winter” those south of the Equator. “Happy First Day of Summer.

It sure doesn’t look like winter here. To me, it looks or seems like late winter or early spring. Right now, the temperature is 36º F or 2.2º C. 

Picked up around the place. 

Put out the last little bit of our Christmas cards. Having photos done can be on the costly side. I know we couldn’t do this year after year. Had 45 photos done up; it almost cost us $50.

I toss the idea around, making my own Christmas cards. I find some Victorian-age cards strange, although they had a wider choice. 

The only thing I really have to do is wrap up the gift for my granddaughters who live in Spokane. We’re going down on Christmas Eve and will leave here sometime between 10 and 11 in the morning. 

I did a layout with my new tarot deck and got it from Goodwill. It is based on Jane Austen. Haven’t read it. 

Got my first month done in my bullet journal. Immensely thankful for “white out,” I do plenty of flubs. But on the way. I learn things that are useful in my personal bullet journal. 

I use a half page for my daily planning. Sometimes there was enough room. 

Had a chance to work on organizing creative supplies. One suitcase is now empty. And ready to be taken back to the thrift store. My goal is to compact my creativity supplies in a carry-on suitcase. I’m sure I will have to make a choice on getting rid of some of my creative supplies. 

In the apartment where Regis lives, Poet. One of her relatives might have married one of my relatives. The lady in the photo might be a relative of the Poet. She is a Mormon, and there into family history. 

She is from the coast of Washington. These people also lived on the coast of Washington. I’m trying to figure out how to send her a better photo. 

I’m bad. I didn’t make any Christmas cookies. I still have a craving for Ginger Snaps. But I took part in RAINS THURSDAY ART AND DINNER DATE. Today Theme is cookies.


  1. Your having a mild start to winter and so far hour summer hasn’t been too hot. Although we have had days and days of humidity that made it so very hard to breath.
    Have a safe trip to see your grandchildren

  2. The weather here has been unseasonably warm, too

  3. Wish we hadn’t made any cookies. The grandkids took most of them home but there are a few around. Too bad…

  4. We haven't backed cookies in a long time, and also stopped sending out cards a good number of years back. And now with so much troubles with the post office, it might be a good thing. I would never be able to pair down enough to fill one carry one suitcase, but applaud your efforts. I would crop the picture to make it larger and perhaps use some additional contrast. Think it would a slight improvement you should be able to see the photo better. Best of luck making contact. That's always fun and exciting.
    Sandy's Space

  5. We get fewer and fewer cards each year, and send out fewer and fewer, but we don't mind. And, we buy cookies nowadays. Alana

  6. I send out fewer cards every year but I send some emails instead

  7. I did not bake cookies this year. I have friends who are a bit disappointed but I was not motivated to do so. I made pumpkin bars for work food day today but that is about it. No snow here either. My husband mentioned that this is the first year that he hasn't had to plow out driveway in December.

  8. We don't have any cookies here either, that's a first. It does look cold at your place.

  9. That's a nice dusting of snow, looks almost like a Christmas card photo. But 2.2C is way too cold for me, I don't think my city has ever been that cold even in winter nights.

  10. Love those singing cookies -- so cute! Sounds like you had a productive day. Winter Solstice blessings to you, Peppy!

  11. Singing cookies, what a fab idea!!!! Here Thunderstorms, so not-Christmassy!

  12. Fun singing cookies!

  13. It would take a moving truck to put my supplies in should I need to pack them. Smile. (Not really, but...) I love the idea you can just have a suitcase and pull it out whenever the urge to make art hits you. have a fabulous Christmas Dora. hugs-Erika

  14. I like the Singing Cookies :)

    All the best Jan

  15. Hi, stopping in to wish you a very Happy Christmas.

  16. Your artful cookies are great!


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Today Is Monday, October 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I went to the senior center for lunch. They had bean soup, which I like a lot. I did a few small things around the place. I got a few more i...