Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Today Is Wednesday, November 22, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Hubby somewhat irritates me at times. He asked me the other day if the train stops in Corvallis, Oregon. This Is what I told him. After you get on the train in Portland, Oregon. The first stop would be Corvallis after leaving Portland.

The last thing I did before I started to type out today's post was to work on my story. Question time... When Sophie got to her new homeland (Planet), Should she have had contact with her daughter and what kind of contact in the future once she arrived in Ovtor.

This is what I wrote...Although Sophie was far from perfect. There was no way she had any evil in her. But the mother of Edlina wondered about her one and only daughter, Who she knew wouldn't make the cut to take the trip to Ovtor.

It was clear why her daughter couldn't migrate to the new planet. She was a danger to most of society. 

Her love for her daughter was not to be questioned. There were things she felt she needed to bring up to the board."

Clean off the coffee table and under it. Quite a few items weren't any good. They end up being tossed out. The other thing I wanted to do today was to work on my quilt and my book, FINISH THIS BOOK. I got hooked and watched some YouTube videos by PROFESSOR GRAEME YORSTON.

I doubt that I will get my quilt until after Thanksgiving. But I may work on my book.

Heading out of town for Thanksgiving dinner. Will be back on Friday to post.

Coffee is on.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels!

  2. That was a good story. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

  3. ...have a Happy Thanksgiving, Dora.

  4. Not sure I understand the story, is Sophie's daughter already on the new planet?

    1. No. Her daughter won't be aloud to go.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Enjoy your TG visit.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving. Try not to be too annoyed with husband as I am sure he did not try to drive you crazy. Retirement can take adjustment. When working you're not around each other 24/7. Now you are.

  8. I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. Alana

  9. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.

    All the best Jan

  10. In a successful marriage, one learns what irritates one's spouse and uses it selectively.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...