Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Today Is Tuesday, November 21, 2023: This Is What Happened.

This morning, I watched a documentary on Edvard Munch, the artist. The main feature of his painting is the scream. Also, I like to share a painting before and after the scream.

Which is the storm, than he did the scream, and the Vampire.

I hope I’m moving forward on my” Your Idaho Health.” I talked to someone for the state. It sounds like I have someone reasonably new on the job. There were things she couldn’t answer, like the state recovery program. Some of the Idaho Medicaid programs can put a lean against your property. I would like to know which program, But she gave me the recovery department phone number. I will call them this coming Monday.

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. The main dish was sweet and sour pork over rice. Plus, on Tuesday and Friday, they had a food giveaway. This time, it was pretty good. We got 2 dozen eggs, some chicken strips, yogurt, pomegranate arils, etc.

Not sure what arils are.

Well, Poet was there and said she was wrecked yesterday. Well, before I continue on. Poet can be dramatic.

She claimed she hit her head during an accident on the side window in a vehicle. I am not sure if there is any truth to it. See, she has no bruise mark on her face or swelling either. She was talking about how she felt dizzy and seeing double. A friend would take her to the local hospital’s emergency room. But when she stood, she sort of passed out. Got her on a chair. Someone called 911 to request paramedics. They came quickly, and the ambulance came less than 5 minutes apart. Took her over to the hospital. I can tell you her blood pressure was up. Other than that, I know nothing.

Other things got done today. Already mention the state I worked on my short story called “Ovtor.” here is the last paragraph: “So, on Tuesday late afternoon. Sophie received a sky buzz. She had an appointment with the Sharvon board this Friday at 10 AM. 

She became antsy. She was wondering who they, as in board, would prove to go.”

Plus, I put air in my car tire, drove it to the end of Julian Rd, turned around, and came home. This car has issues and isn’t worth fixing.

The only thing I could do is. Clean up after dinner tonight. Plus, pomegranate arils in cottage cheese are outstanding!

Coffee is on.


  1. ...the Scream isn't my style.

  2. Never really liked the Scream but I like the first painting in your post, the storm.

    All the best Jan

  3. It's possible Poet hit part of her head that can't be seen, where it is covered by hair.
    I don't like Munch paintings. The colours are good but don't like the subject.

  4. I hope that lady is alright.

  5. Do you have to pay for lunch at the Senior Centre?

  6. An eventful day! Waiting for your short story.

  7. Glad you enjoyed the arils!

  8. Some state SHIP offices are helpful with health insurance other than Medicare and Medicaid - https://www.shiphelp.org/about-medicare/regional-ship-location/idaho

  9. You had a lot going on! The food at the senior centre sounds good! Valerie

  10. It sounds like you've been getting a lot done.

  11. I believe the pomegranate aril is the reddish fruit like substance surrounding the seed. I don't know if you've ever seen a cut open pomegranate but they were a part of my childhood. There are hundreds of these inside the pomegranate fruit and the aril is the part that you eat, and that you are enjoying in your cottage cheese. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...