Sunday, November 05, 2023

Today Is Sunday, November 5, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Time fell back one hour. Now we're on standard time. I wish they wouldn't fool with clocks. On Monday, I'm going to notice the change.

I'm unsure how good of a photo I got of the Turkeys in the front yard.

I am still loading photos from the game camera to a thumb drive. My four GB one needs to be bigger. 6 or 8 GB would have been the correct size. I'm sure I will come up with a solution.

I vacuumed and washed a load of whites and hubby, and I fixed a leak around the vent pipe.

I did like "Are You There God? It's Me. Margret. Over on good reads, I gave it a five star. It is about a young girl looking into religions and her daily journey. The pace of the story was perfect. I like all the people in the book. Even the grandparents. Who was upset that their son and daughter didn't raise their child in a religious hold?

One grandparent was Jewish, and the other was Christian.

I grew up in a non-religious family. I had the freedom to attend different religious services.

When it comes out on DVD, I will watch it.

I'm reading "The Diary of Olga Romanov: Royal Witness to the Russian Revolution." I would like to find a diary from one of the Bolsheviks.

I'm waiting for a book to come to our library from the inter-library loan program.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...I cleaned up the leaves in the yard, will have to do it again.

  2. The book sounds interesting

  3. Thanks for commenting on "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret." I hope the movie comes out on DVD soon!

  4. Is that book being made into a movie?
    Most of my thumb drives are 16GB or 32GB and a bunch are 64GB. I have a few 8GB but not many. I didn't know they made them as small as 4GB.The memory card in my camera is 32GB.

    1. I have a 2GB USB stick, a very old one by very reliable.

  5. I read that many many years ago. I might have to read it again. I can’t remember much from it. Although I do remember I liked it lots

  6. I think reading a diary by a Bolshevik would be a good idea to hear another point of view.

  7. Glad you liked the book. It sounds like you had a productive weekend.

  8. I really liked the photo. All that beauty right out your front door. I am envious.

  9. Judy Blume is a great author. I've read many by her, but I don't think I ever read that one.


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...