Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Today Is Tuesday, August 8, 2023: This Is What Happened


I stopped these new blogs on Monday, the 7th of August. Or I haven’t been to some time ago.






I have been working on our counters and will return to work at about 3 PM. DW news is on, and at 2:30, BBC news is on. I could go and watch them at a later time.

Hubby and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich—one of my favorite foods.

This morning I went to see my therapist. It was a good section. One of the statements I use quite a bit. “Is What The Hell Did I Do Wrong” Even if I don’t hear my name. I tend to look around for those who disprove of me. My mother never said it, but by her looks, I took it as “How Dare You Piss Off Your Father” At times, I believe my mother stayed with my father because he made a good living. He worked railroads for 50 years. My father needs my mother for her inner strength. we all have our needs.

My son Bart is coming up Friday with his father-in-law. They’re going to camp in our yard. Confession time...I get anxious about his cancer and treatment when I hear from him. I have to remind myself of logical thinking. The doctor knows what they’re doing. Cancer treatment has come a long way. He is young and has plenty of will. And he follows up with all of his doctor’s appointments and such.

End up with papers on coping skills, on anxiety. Talking about thoughts. Two things I find comforting is watching our large poplar tree in front of our house. I like to watch waves in the wind. I wondered if it was a goodbye or a welcoming wave. The sound of branches and leaves is peaceful sounding.

Then I also got a self-esteem journal. One of the questions was. I was proud of someone else...Husband. I even get upset with him. But he was willing to share his life with me. And considers my needs and is not a male chauvinist. One of my father’s saying was “Woman’s Work.” 

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. You sure have been busy. I'm glad your son is coming for a visit though, that will be nice I'm sure.

  2. Glad hubby is not a male chauvinist.

  3. It will be great to have your son visiting. I can marine the worry about his previous cancer diagnosis.

  4. I like watching the wind blow in the trees too. Enjoy your visits with family.

  5. It’s always fun to explore new blogs

  6. By the sounds of it I would say it sounds like you're busier than ever! And don't you just love Mitchell's blog I love it.

  7. Keep exploring your happiness.

  8. A long time ago, I had a bit of a relationship with that first blog that you mention, but she was right and I was left. We parted, but I think on good terms.

  9. I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing your son. Hugs, Valerie

  10. Hoping you have a wonderful visit with your son. I hope it's good medicine for both of you. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  11. It's nice to sit and listen to the trees sometimes.


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...