Thursday, June 15, 2023

Today Is Thursday, June 15, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Added a little more to my walking distance this morning. Finished up some laundry and made the bed. I start up fat secret again. I need to work on being more persistent. My ache and pains are mainly from being overweight.

Regis's cat Buddy is resting peacefully under one of our maple trees. He has been good for Regis. He got him as a kitten in 2007. So they have been together for 16 years, if my math is correct.

Before I went to work, as I was taking my walk. I start to think of no Buddy when I go to work. But he was suffering.

Regis and I went to Sandpoint. The first stop was the Goodwill. Spend a little more than I should of. Shame on me. I usually have a list of what I want or need. Not this time.

Then after, we went to the dollar store. I did much better in there. I had a plan when I went into the dollar store. I order a FLAP FOLDER from Amazon. I noticed the dollar store had them for $1.25. After we went to the library. I got four DVDs. WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. I thought this was an interesting thing on Google, IS THE MOVIE BASED FROM SCRIPTURE. PICASSO MAGIC SEX DEATH. I like to read the STORY behind an artist's work. Then the other movie is GRAPES OF WRATH. I saw it a long time ago, but I never read the book. And the last movie is NAUGHTY MARIETTA.I know nothing about this; I just saw it in the library and taking a chance at it.

Today the musician is from COLORADO, and this time, something a little different than before when it comes to music. I'm featuring a composer, TREY PARKER.


  1. Enjoy your movies and books, have a happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. So sorry Regis lost his cat

  3. 16 is about average for a cat. I wish they’d live longer, but …

  4. I wish our pets could stay longer.

  5. The walking is great. It helps me stay positive and gives me energy!

  6. Naughty Marietta is fun. It's a Nelson/Eddy film. Their singing is more operatic; I believe the musical is termed an operetta. They did a few films together in the '30s.

  7. It sure sounds like you've been plenty busy. I'm glad you buried the kitty in a nice place.

  8. Glad you're making headway with your walking. I know consistency can be difficult; but I can tell you how much less my arthritis bothers me then it did before I started walking and exercising. Keep at it, your body will thank you. Have a great week.
    Sandy's Space

  9. Sounds like you got everything under control.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...