Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Today Is Wednesday. May 24, 2023; This Is What Happened

Went up to the more prominent local cemetery, Grandview. And add a solar light to three graves. Murphy's mom and his dad. Also, my parents. I'm not much of flowers on graves. But I saw a few quiet ideas. I'm not much on a memorial day. I kept saying to myself. I was going up to the visit graves when the veil was thinning. Which is around Samhain(Halloween) or Beltane (May-day). But people can set up a place and time for the thinning of the veil.

Throughout my post, I will share a photo of the grave marker and a general cemetery shot.

I did two things before coming home: grab a cheaper burger and get some meat at a local store.

A brief mix-up with two of Regis's appointments. He thought he had a reiki section. But he had his appointment with the pain clinic. He takes some barbiturates. Which is prescribed by a doctor. Although he calls it hypnotic. But it's not.

He was out of it. I asked him how many pills he had taken. I never got a straight answer. But he kept falling, passing out, and drooling. I mage to get Regis coherent enough to see his doctor. 

He doesn't do it often. But sometimes I wonder if he thinks it cool to be drooling ole hippy. I have yet to learn about those who choose to be so messed up.

I'm no saint or angel. But being that far gone and you pass out and slobber.

It is embarrassing. When I get embarrassed, I also feel anger. But in a slightly strange way, I found a little humor in it.

We did go to the library. Regis got all of his DVDs back and managed to get one DVD. So I took back the two DVDs I had watched. Still need to finish washing Clockwork Orange. And the book I'm reading, Klara and the Sun.

One of my cousins is auctioning off one of her paintings, BRUSH ON BLUFF. I'll make one bid on one of the paintings. Still trying to figure out which one. But it will be under $100. Well, I did manage to bid on three. All of under $100. But one already went above 100. So that one is out. I still have a chance to win on two of them.

Murphy and I were going to move some rocks in the yard. A quick summer storm came in. It should be the first project in the morning.

Today Musician is from WEST VIRGINIA. Today the singer is RED SOVINE. The song I live to share is GETTY UP GO.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. I’m glad you got him to the doctors Sounds like he took one or two too many.

  2. Ah yes, life...
    thanks for the song Simply wonderful, to melt away... I like it very much.
    Many greetings to you from Viola is in my cup :-)) hug

  3. It's possible Regis took his pills then forgot and took more? I hope his new carer is as vigilant as you.

    1. I know he thinks it cool to pull certain stunts. But his mind isn't right.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ...I love visiting old cemeteries.

  5. The Coffee is good this morning,

  6. Good luck to your cousin on the auction

    1. Even if I don't win. It to a good cause.

  7. I think Regis is going to miss you

  8. What a great idea, to put wind chimes on a grave. Much better than flowers. Does the Reiki help Regis? I find it very relaxing.

  9. Life will be quiet after Regis!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...