Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Today Is Tuesday May 9, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Chatbot AI can be wrong! I was curious about what possible required reading my parents might have during their school years. I know my mother had mentioned "Red Badge of Courage," So ask what Chatbot, What someone in tenth grade requires reading was in 1940, list 3 books. One of the books was "To Kill a Mockingbird," which is off by 20 years. No way someone could have read that book in 1940. 


I'm worried about things here in North Idaho and how some want to take the freedom of choice from us. I wouldn't think of telling what another person chooses. As long it doesn't warm another person. In my thoughts, I think some would be happier living in Puritan days. They really didn't have that much freedom. If you don't believe take a few minutes and look it up. Or, possibly, some want to be part of a Totalitarian Patriarchy Theocracy. After that, it could mean women being stripped of their reproductive rights and LGBTQIA2S+. I'm not sure if more rights will be loose to these people. Or anyone else.

I will do whatever I can to not let this happen.

This is the latest ARTICLE in our library. I like to attend a few public library meetings. To see how they are run. Opinion time...I understand that libraries have a budget and space. But ALL LIBRARIES should have a selection of material for all. 

I'm strongly considering addressing the library board. But first, I need to attend a few meeting and see how it run.

My new read is MAUD. I considered putting a shelf over at my "Good Read" page. "I Read What Every I Damm Well Please." Here are little facts about 23 books I read. Home library 23 books, Bonner Library (Sandpoint) 4 books, Boundary Library (Bonners Ferry) 3 books, And from inter- library 2 books.

I'm sure there are mistakes. For example, I need to add a shelf called "friend" or something like that. I will come up with some terms. 

I wish things with our library would settle down. I don't think it is going to. But I will be taking a break for a week or so. Will share letters to Editor about our library. Both sides of the


Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Interesting you found a chatbot error!

  2. I have the same copy of Anne Frank!

  3. ...keep reading banned books.

  4. It is hard to believe that people are banning books and not guns this day and age! Keep up the good fight, Peppy.

    1. I never heard anyone get hurt or killed by book.

  5. Crazy out there. Libraries at the forefront of the right's attempt to curb freedoms.

    1. I thought that ended with Nazi of the 1930's and 40s.

  6. Books have gone from required reading to banned in my lifetime. Sad, very sad,

  7. Replies
    1. My goodread goals is 24 books this year, and I'm ahead my 4.

  8. Love the picture. I'm serious, I think you should look into running for the library board if you can.

    I read Red Badge of Courage in high school. I do not recommend. (Yeah, To Kill a Mockingbird wasn't even published until the '60s, I think. I'd have to look that up, though.)

  9. It was fun having my photo taken as criminal for reading a ban book. The current board I don't have trouble with. One is so so so. But who they have running is little scary. Mostly Lewis Clark.

  10. ... and keep on enjoying your reading.

    All the best Jan

  11. I don't think I will ever understand book banning, it has never worked out well.

  12. Keep fighting. You are likely to lose birth control pills, same sex marriage, and now it looks like No-Fault divorce is up for grabs


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Today Is Sunday, February 2, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  Our television went out. We had it for years, so I drove down to Walmart just south of Sandpoint. I got the same size, but the new televi...