Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Today Is Monday, April 3, 2023; This Is What Happened.

I just contacted my Governor about vetoing HOUSE BILL 71HOUSE BILL 314, and HOUSE BILL 242.

A federal veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses. I don't know about it at the state level. Our legislature season is over. But what I heard is they're coming. On Thursday, the legislature will be meeting to override Governor Little veto.

I am still determining. But how much good it will do.

I wrote out two checks, one for our federal taxes and the other for my quarterly payment.

Yesterday POST, I mention doing my own version of five. Five questions I will be asking. I only will once a month. The last day. Hopefully, I remember.

Idaho loves its guns. Regis gave me money to pay his rent. So I went into the senior center. They also run a set of apartment buildings for low-income citizens. Plus, those who are disabled. The new bookkeeper seems nice. But when she stood up, she had a firearm on her hip.

I just hope she is not some crazy person and goes off. More and more of Idaho politics, I just want to become a hermit.

I did some embroidering. It has been a while. I misplaced my needle, and it has been found.

Today Musician comes from RHODE ISLAND. I'm featuring MARK CUTLER, the song I'm featuring is


Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. ...this is a gun crazy nation.

  2. This is a nightmare with those weapons. And in a senior centre! No words! Valerie

  3. America has jumped the shark.

  4. The gun visible like that would send me out of there for sure!

  5. Keep on making your views known to politicians. They do take notice of direct emails and written letters.

    I too might try five questions. I will note how yours works out.

  6. Glad you found your needle

  7. Embroidery sounds like fun.

  8. That's super nuts she had a gun on her hip. WTF

  9. We are a gun crazy country.

  10. That was nice of you to go pay his rent. Politicians sure are idiots.

  11. Blogger is up to its tricks; I could not sign in on your April 4 post but could on this. I am so happy that I live in a state where I don't have to worry about people carrying firearms just because they can. And as for your question of who shouldn't be eligible for becoming President, it was a nice thought to allow anyone native born and over 35 to have a chance at it, but it's a bit scary if a convicted felon (if he is found guilty) or one in the future could assume that office. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  12. It's very important to be involved in politics. Politicians are supposed to serve the community and we shouldn't let them ever forget it.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...