Sunday, April 23, 2023

Today Is Sunday, April 23, 2023; This Is What Happened


I decided to give SUNDAY STEELING a try. Today, I guess theme is PINTEREST

1. 1. Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

I know it would be a fair trade either way. I would keep it as it is.

2. If everything in your house had to be one colour what would it be?

Yellow. Reminds me of sunshine.

3. What animal would be the most terrifying if it could speak?


4. How do you procrastinate?

Keep jumping from project to project, and not getting anything completed.

5. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

I do have my off days.

6. Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or life without dessert?

My phone, we all could write letters like our grandparents did. Or lease mine did. They where born in late 1800's

7. If one animal was made the size of an elephant, which would be the scariest?


  1. If you were reincarnated as a famous landmark, which would it be?

    Part of the Smithsonian

    9. What celebrity chef would you like to make you dinner?                                                          I don't know really anything about celebrity chefs. 

10I. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a spider?

10. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a spider?

I would have to see what spider was safe on google. Than we can start talking about price.

11. If you joined a circus, what would your circus act be?


12. Do you have any superstitions?

No, but I respect the spirits and such

  1. What cheesy song do you have memorised?

    I never heard of this term, cheesy song.

  1. What’s something weird that you recommend everyone try at least once?

    Nude beach30 days without your phone or life without dessert?

I15. What do you think is the most unpleasant sounding word?

I don't know if I have any unpleasant word. But how some adjectives are being used.

I was planning to also take part in SUNDAY FIVE: RENTAL CARE. Since I never rented a car. I have no personal experience. On Sunday, I stop by a new blog I haven't visited, so in a while, I will look for a new blog, which is at Penguin.

I was Stupid! And it isn't a habit I will get rid of anytime soon. I stayed up looking through books I'm interested in reading. I won't read all these books on my GOOD READ LIST. This year. My goal is to read 24 books. It looks like I will meet.

Today is brainless stuff, like raking the leaves from the house.

It is time to review three random comments from last week. The first one will be from YOGI, and here is the comment I like to reply to...You are eating good rounded meals...I try, but at work, I struggle; When it comes to eating. I do much better when I'm not at work...The second comment will be from ANDREW...That's good to get some exercise together. I hope there are nice people there...Yes, they're nice people. Plus, some with great humor. And now for last comes from CHRISTINE...Scary about the gun in his pocket...I see plenty of guns out in about. But it is not the gun that bothers me. It is what sort of mental state the person is packing. The other day my friend Quenella was in the bank. And a person had a gun in the holster. And he was having a lively conversation with a teller. 

The new blog I stop by is BLOBBY. I may have been there before. But nothing like a person who blogs.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. Letters! I remember letters! I used to receive and write them!

    1. I have lots of pen pals. I still receive and write letters!

  2. I have a pen pal and write to my cousin who is in jail. Letters are good, it's too bad we have stopped writing them much. I leave establishments when I see people with guns. I know open carry is legal but as you say, you just don't know what kind of person is carrying the gun. Better safe than not.

  3. I loved reading all your answers to the questions!!!

    Some of mine...If you had a warning label, what would yours say? Slippery when wet.

    What animal would be the most terrifying if it could speak? A snake!

    If you were reincarnated as a famous landmark, which would it be? The Palace of Fine Arts in San Franisco.

    I was out in the garden and doing much planting for Earth Day yesterday..

  4. Those were fun answers, you did great with the answers. Hey, we've visited a nude beach before.

  5. Amusing answers. Respecting the spirits is best 😊

  6. This gun thing is awful.

  7. They were doing that warning label thing on a radio station Thursday or Friday morning. The DJs were having people call in to say what their warning label would be. It's a family friendly station, so there was a child who called in to give hers.

  8. ...we just renovated our house, it's all white with pops of color.

  9. Here's my answers:
    1- I would take intelligence because beauty fades
    2- no way could I ever live with just one colour
    3- cockroach
    4- reading 'just one more chapter, just one more chapter'
    5- Back Off!! because I hate when people get right in your face to talk to you.
    6- I think I could manage 30 days without my phone far better than no dessert.
    7- ants
    8- I'd be a rock at Niagara Falls
    9- Gennaro Contaldo (find him on youtube)
    10- is the spider cooked or still wriggling?
    11- I'd be a clown
    12- no
    13- none that I remember
    14- zero-gravity, like in those astronaut training flights
    15- moist is the worst word in the world

  10. If the sheep could talk, the takes they would tell

  11. You had a busy weekend. That question and answer game is good. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  12. I would choose like you yellow for my home, but a warm yellow..

  13. We have a lot of yellow in our house - it is quite dark at the back because we don't get much sun - but it definitely brightens the place up.




  14. My kitchen is yellow. It was a good choice because it's so easy to find yellow dishtowels and potholders.

  15. I like the question and answer game. My scary critter is a spider. My warning label an inappropriate joke for every occasion. One colour? NFW.


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...