Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Today Is Wednesday, March 8, 2023; This Is What Happened

Still trying to get the heavy perfume soap out of my clothes. I put them over our deck railing over the weekend. So the clothes can be aired out. Some of the clothes don't smell of heavy scent.

This weekend I will wash them in baking soda and white vinegar. What still lingers of smell in garments. I will give it to the thrift store.

When I go to creative social time at pearl. I will drop off more clothes at a thrift store.

I have been looking at art from the ROYAL COLLEGE ART, and some of the pieces I don't care for. Others are ok, And some I find are just wow! Then some, I don't get. I have no art training. But I have a different accept once I read about the artist MEGAN SHAPLES. And once I read about the artist and the statement from the artist. I sometimes have a different view of the artwork.

Hubby went and got his hair cut. We packed up the microwave we had just bought over the weekend. Well, our power strip was the issue. Not the microwave! So Murphy is heading south, and he will go past wall mart and can return it.

Our bank account is a gray zone.

Today's art is from UZBEKISTAN


  1. ...I don't like fragrances!

  2. I like the first picture you have with the colours and that quilt. I have learned that power strips only last about five or ten years and then they need replacing. It's a good idea when something doesn't work to plug in something else to see if the power strip is working or not. I always buy the ones with the "surge arrestor" in case of a power surge, the strip cuts off power so my electrical items such as TV and computer don't get "blown out" by the sudden extra power.

  3. Getting a lot done. Nice art

  4. We don't do stinky clothes either. I'm glad it was just the power strip, that's cheaper!

  5. I wouldn’t be able to wear clothes with a heavy scent. I’d sneeze my head off. It’s hard to get scent out!

  6. Art is subjective. That you care is all that matters. Enjoy what you like. I have no idea how to get strong smells out of fabric other than to wash them. I hope the smells come out.

  7. I'd rather smell BO and cigarette smoke than perfume and those horrible scented washing powders and fabric conditioners. When I buy stuff from charity shops that smell like that I find rinsing with a capful of white vinegar and line-drying outside usually works.

  8. I#M not a friend of highly perfumed washing sopa, either. Lovely art! Valerie

  9. wow ~ you are productive and wonderful art photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Yeah, check the power strip first … I just had to replace the one I was using for my TV

  11. I hate perfumed laundry soap and even more I hate perfumed dish soap.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...