Sunday, March 26, 2023

Today Is Sunday, March 26, 2023; This Is What Happen.


I got quite a bite done this weekend. Plus, this is my last four-day work week. After that, starting in April, I will be working 16 to 24 a week—some I need to think about calling social security. And get the ball rolling about signing up for my pension. 

Today I vacuumed, worked on my bullet journal, and packed a few items to go Thrift store. I even took it out in my car. Finish watching Frida. It's the one I saw before.

 Since our library is expanding its inter-library program, I will try to get more films about FRIDA

Monday and Tuesday, Regis has local doctor appointments. But Thursday, he has one down in Sandpoint. 

I may get my current book read. However, I am still deciding what I will be reading next.

It has been a while since I reviewed any comment on my blog. Or bring the conversation to light. My first one is from SCARY MARY, and she left this comment...I love apple fritters. I tried making them myself, but they were different from the store-bought ones...I did make an apple fritter once. Well, it is a lease wiser for me to pick up an apple fritter occasionally for .88¢. And have a bunch sitting around the place. I need space between me and the fritter.

My second one is from ISLAND MUSING, and she left this comment...Yay for the robins. Always an excellent sign!...No question; a robin is a true sign of Spring. SYMBOLISM  of robin, and if your DREAM is about the robin.

My third comment is from LAW OF GRAVITY, and she left this comment...Happy Spring...Happy Spring, everyone.

The blog OCCASIONAL TORONTO I believe I visit some ages ago.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. What an exciting time for you. Getting closet to retirement and being able to finally do what you want instead of what you have to do.
    Maybe you should see if you can borrow audiobooks so you too can listen and craft at the same time

  2. The Laguna by Barbara Kingsolver is a fantastic read, it's a fictional account of a young man who travels to Mexico in the 1930s and works for Frida Kahlo and Diego Riviera. x

  3. Yes, get the ball rolling about your pension.

  4. Enjoy your shorter working week! Valerie

  5. Don't get bored though, when you retire. My new neighbor shocked me when he told me he's 71. He's a truck driver and makes long hauls.

  6. Hope you have a great week as you ease towards retirement!

  7. Is it three months before that you need to sign up for Social Security? Or is that Medicare?

  8. I should visit that Toronto blog

  9. Having bakery stuff in the store is always nice but it all makes me want to buy it. I can cook pretty good but some baked goods are harder to make.

  10. Hooray for inching closer to retirement!


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Today Is Thursday, January 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not much post. No photos. Around three in morning I keep waking up and my brain is full of thoughts. I keep thinking of great plans. Time t...