Saturday, March 04, 2023

Today Is Saturday March 4 2023, This Is What Happen.


Woke up a little before seven this morning. I feel on the lazy side. But I'm sure I will get things done.

Well, I got some things done. Like shopping, and hubby went along. And ran some clothes through the washing machine. Still trying to get some strong perfume smell out of it. So this is in the bleach holder on the washing machine. I put white vinegar in it. And sprinkle baking soda on the clothing. Hopefully cut the smell.

My friend Lolita and I went to see "The Play That Went Wrong" at our local Pearl Theater in Bonners Ferry" Statement time...I got my culture and art fix. 

I only took my phone for photos. I have been loading the image on my Facebook page, although it is not going smoothly. 

I'm trying to choose between going through my paints, to see what is good. Or go through my clothes in my closet. Which needs to be sorted out.

Murphy and I are heading to Sandpoint tomorrow.

Editor Note...Opps didn't mean to put up two of the same photos.

Today artist is Tim Tate who UNITED STATES


  1. I like that jar with the tiny cake slices.
    Do you wash the fabrics in hot water or cold water? If they can be hot washed, that might help with removing the strong perfume.

  2. Shopping and washing may seem mundane bu tit is my life. Have a good time in Sandpoint.

  3. I don't like heavy perfume, so, I'd opt to throw them in the donation bin at Goodwill.

  4. I like the glass art.

  5. I do like the glass art too, it's very pretty and unique. Have fun on your trip!

  6. I’m glad you got the chance to enjoy the theater

  7. The domes are lovely, I especially like the one with the tiny cake slices.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...