Sunday, January 22, 2023

Today Is Sunday January 22 2023, This Is What Happen.


Trying to figure out how I want or need to handle my work week. Since Regis place has bedbugs. I'm careful how I do my job, so there is no chance I will pick up the bedbugs. I know they're creepy, although these bugs care about no known diseases.

Usually, I go over to Liz first and then to Regis. After that, I go home, put my clothes in the dryer and turn it on. Then jump into the shower.

But this week, Regis has a doctor's appointment at 10:15 Monday morning.

At first, I thought of going home and showering. Putting on different clothing. I could do that, but I didn't want to. Once I'm home. I want to stay home.

So I text Liz and see if she has any issues. I come in between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning. Work till about 9:30

Still waiting for an answer.

I hope to get in some walks this week. The treadmill is boring. Planning to have 4 light, naughty eating days this week. I know Tuesday will be one of them. No Mondays! But I will do the other three days I should plan out.

I got my letter to the editor written out. I want to sit on it for a few days. Then, since Wednesday will be busy, I will copy and paste it for my blog post.

It is about "Encouraging to keep in touch with the elected official." I'm unsure what I want to write my elected officials. I want to keep it down to three things. First, I know a lot is on my mind in our world.

Well, it's Sunday. And it is the day I go back through my comments and use them as part of my blog post.

Let's start out with BRAIN HOME, and he always leaves positive remarks. But here is what he said on my blog I'm... glad your doing your crafty thing, you'll enjoy it, and I know you will enjoy retirement time with your hubby too... I'm sure I will enjoy our retirement years. Confession time...All of our married life, one of us worked, or both of us. I never understood a married couple who spend 24 hours a day with each other. 

It is suitable for retired couples to have an outside interest.

Everyone's hind site is much better than their front site. I wish I had taken up arts or something to express my feeling much younger. Feeling was well enshrouded.

Liz of LAW OF GRAVITY, and here is her comment...Looks like it was a reasonably nice walk...I have yet to hear much about the weather coming up. I plan to take a short walk on Monday since I will be done early. Before I come home.

The last one is CAT EYES, and she left this comment over on my blog...I get about $900 a month SS. It is to make it even before all these utilities have gone up. I'm lucky to live in my brother's house...The house hubby and I are living in were where my mother and I inherited free and clear. That is really our saving grace. We only qualify for some of the safety net programs. I still have some of my inheritance from my mom. We're trying to hold on to it. Who knows what will come up. Plus, neither one of us is a big spender. Did manage to put some away. Although only a little. Both of them made small wages.

So we get a break on our property tax and help with our utilities.

I'm going to check a new blog through the way of K-TEN First time stopping in at CATS-ASTROPHIC.

Today's artist is REINIER ASMOREDJO, who is from SURINAME

Also, like to share today from ROYAL COLLEGE ART  2022 art show. The artist is REGIMENT.

Coffee is on and stay safe.


  1. Do your elected officials put out newsletters? I know my old Congressman (now retired) put out one once a week, talking about what he was doing, what he was voting on, and the various causes that were important to him. It helped to know what he was up to. (The new Congressman hasn't put out a newsletter as of yet. I have no idea if he will.) Perhaps that's something you can advocate for--your elected officials sending out things to tell their constituents what they are up to.

  2. Oh no. I hear bedbugs are so hard to get rid of.

  3. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by the cat's blog (Cats-astrophic Events). I have been a pet blogger since 2010 and Its always nice to meet new bloggers. I retired a couple of years ago and I have never been so busy as I am now. Again, thanks for visiting and commenting and have a marvelously happy day! Barb

  4. Some of our MP's (Members of Parliament) have online newsletters and some have yearly or twice yearly newsletters dropped into mailboxes, but usually only when there is council or state elections coming up. I have never thought of writing to any of them.

  5. Costs are different here but here Cat's Eyes would be getting about $1,000 per fortnight here, over $2,000 per month, equivalent to the old age pension.

    1. Man I'm old in the wrong country Andrew!

  6. Hope your Monday goes as you’d like.

  7. Have a nice day,

  8. When I worked, I used to go to the downtown library at lunch and read magazines along with a bunch of homeless folks. Then the library got bed bugs in the chairs so no more going there for me!!

  9. Blogger and comments is messing about again!
    I like the art you've shared today it is very colourful.

    All the best Jan


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...