Monday, January 23, 2023

Today Is Monday January 23 2023, This Is What Happen.


I sorted my art supplies and organized our first open art and craft section. I will have the hang of it after time goes by. 

 The main thing I will be working on is tags for my four granddaughters. And the other two projects I will be working on are embroidery and the outline of my hand.

The gel pens I ordered are on the U.P.S truck, and hopefully, they will be dropped off today.

Good News, there is a date for the bedbug to be sprayed. So I need to take Regis somewhere for five hours. Well, it is this coming Friday.

I finish my letter to the Editor and will send them to the local papers this Wednesday.

I also started my letter to my elected officials. My three so-called subject is Abortion, Education, and Election.

Idaho is one of those states that is super pro-life. But I like a good challenge.

Dinner tonight is roast beef, and I will have a little horseradish with mine. Were also have baked potatoes, and I will put margarine on them.

Today's artist is ANNA SAHLSTROM, who is from SWEDEN.

Just one piece from Royal Art College, and the artist is ZOFIA.


  1. Good on your Dora for expressing your concerns to your elected officials. Not enough people care these days to do so. To many are willing to sit and take whatever comes instead of fighting for what they want. Love the art today too. Enjoy your new pens!

  2. Very nice art today. I hope the elected officials take enough notice to at least reply to you.

  3. Glad Regis apartment will be sprayed at last

  4. Pro life is an emotive term invented by anti abortionists. It is about women's rights.

  5. I get very angry about anti abortionists ! Human rights, let me laugh, who thinks about the destiny of unwanted children ? Who takes care of them if even their mothers didn't want them or can't afford them. It seems that they forget that children have also rights to live decently and not be given away, badly treated, or even killed after birth ! Not in all women is a hidden mother, which men seem to believe !

  6. Good luck on Friday during the spraying time at your client’s home.

  7. Glad that the bedbugs are getting their eviction notice,

  8. ...I like ANNA SAHLSTROM's work.

  9. You can try to organize before, but once you're into something, then you realize how you really want things set up. Whatever are you going to do with Regis for five hours?

  10. Hope you haven't brought those bedbug eggs back home with you. They spread so easily.

  11. I hope the bedbugs go bye-bye and do not return. Roast beef sounds pretty yummy!

  12. I should work on a new art piece.

  13. I really like the art today.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...