Thursday, December 08, 2022

Today Is Thursday December 8 2022, This Is What Happen


Quite a few times I been posting photos of art from different countries. All of photos I post has been at random. I would have to say some I really don't care for. Than they're those let just call them ok. And than they're those are just wow.

Regardless the ones I posted. I usually wonder what going into the artist mind.

Yesterday evening I went to art insight down at pearl. We're working on our art journal and this is my first piece. First thing we did was write a letter to our self. Each of us did a drawing using both our left and right hand. And than we pretty much got to play with different art supplies. I mainly use water color pencils. Sometime I felt like I use to much or not enough water.

Work been nah. Just three more Wednesday to work. Than I will be only working 4 days a week. I'm even thinking of my first Wednesday project. Which will the January 4th.

Regis has a new person helping him with coping skills. Maud and what a nut case. She has her master in therapy work. But some of her thoughts are way out in outer space. Her line of thinking of a lot those loony Trumpesters. Although her general personality is fine.

Today I won a $20 gift card from our local thrift store. I plan to pick up $20 worth of arts and craft things that can be use open art and craft time at Pearl, called crafternoon first one will be Wednesday January 25.

Today artist is BEN ENWONWU who is from NIGER


  1. I like that art today.

    You’ll be down to a four day work week soon! Yay!

  2. I like the art today, it's pretty interesting. Congratulations on winning the gift card!

  3. Congrats on winning.

  4. Your piece looks interesting in the picture.

  5. I like today's art. I hope Regis does well with Maud.

  6. I also like your art today.
    Congratulations on your gift card. I got a $50 gift card at Salvation Army years ago. $50 at the time bought me a bunch of things at that store.

  7. I enjoy seeing the art you show us, even if I am not keen on some of it. We need to be challenged with art. What I have learnt from your country is that perfectly nice, tolerant and kind people can be Trumpsters. Weird.

  8. Congrats on winning the money.

  9. I like the art and yay on the win. Glad you get ready to your retirement with knowing your clients won´t be left alone.

  10. Congrats on winning and using the card on yourself. When you retire, don't look back - do the things you want to do, because now is your chance! I like your artist today - enjoy the African vibe. Alana


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...