Thursday, September 29, 2022

Today Is Thursday September 29 2022, This Is What Happen


I thought I would get a post in. I woke up four clock in morning coughing hacking. So in short time I will be taking a nap. I just got out shower. Generally I'm doing better.

Briefly I'm going to mention the library. To recall our local library board didn't make ballot. But it still have issue to work on. The main one as I understand is to get employee manual. I don't want to jump the gun, but I understand our local school district is working on there L.G.Q.A.G.T.I policy.

It seem Regis is doing fine, and Liz is visiting family down in Utah.

I haven't been reading lately. Hopefully before weekend is over I will be more active, which include reading.

Today art is from country MALAWI

Coffee is on and stay safe.


  1. Sorry you’re under the weather. Good to hear the library recall failed.

  2. Lots of coughing and hacking with us too! Not much reading either.

  3. I'm glad you seem to be doing better and I'm glad Regis and Liz are too.

  4. Glad you are improving

  5. Take care. Hacking coughs are no fun.

  6. Sorry you have covid and hope it is not a severe case and will soon be over. Good to see on your previous posts you are hanging on to that retirement plan. I think blogging daily is quite a commitment, I don't often manage once in 2 weeks! sometimes taking a break from your blog is quite refreshing too. Get well soon. Betty the wood fairy

  7. I like this art !

  8. Hope you are soon feeling better, look after yourself! Valerie

  9. Fell better soon, Peppy!

  10. I hope you get feeling better.

  11. I finally got mostly over my cold, still a bit of sneezing mornings. Lots of people around here have it. My brother says 'you had covid not a cold". He could be right, even though I tested negative. Hardly matters, as the symptoms were mild and went away after 8 or 9 days, just like a cold.

  12. Getting up early can be the pits. I was up ~2:30 this morning. 😕

  13. I like the art chosen.

  14. I enjoyed the artworks you shared today.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...