Friday, September 30, 2022

Today Is Friday September 30 2022, This Is What Happen.


Yesterday I was coughing pretty hard, in the evening. Hubby suggest me go to the E.R and I told him first thing in morning I would make appointment to see the doctor. Nothing was open. So I got transfer to Triage nurse and she made some suggestion to help me a long. Well in all honestly I don't like talk about medical all that much. Ok, before I go to bed I take NyQuil. So in day time they want me to hack and cough, so I get everything up. Night I rest.

The trees are starting to turn colors. Went to the store with hubby at GROCERY OUTLET. I stuck on 9N5 mask. But when we went to Safeway I stay out in pick up.

Taking Saturday and Sunday off from blogging.

Today artist is CHANG FEE MING who from MAYAYSIA


  1. Hari om
    sorry to hear of the lurgy hitting you. Get better soon! YAM xx

  2. I hope the coughing goes away soon, that sure does wear a person out.

  3. I love Grocery Outlet. I hope your cough clears up soon. Coughs are no fun.

  4. Sounds like a lot of congestion in your chest, take things easy and drink lots of water.

  5. Hope you get better very soon!
    Here still all green and lush.

  6. Feel better soon.

  7. Hope you start to feel better soon.

    All the best Jan

  8. Sorry to hear the cough was so bad

  9. If I stop commenting it is because I couldnt get through on blogger I tried 3 times with above comment

  10. Have you tested for Covid? Coughing hard is certainly one of the symptoms. Hubby was coughing so hard he could hardly sleep and that's how the Covid started for him. Sneezing was my primary symptom and head congestion that took about 3 wks to subside. Hope you feel better soon, probably good you didn't go into the store...even with an N95. Take care and feel better soon.
    Sandy's Space

  11. Hope you are better. I realize I probably had covid even though testing negative on a at home test. My friends have it too. I'm still a little congested coughy but mostly it only last about 9 days I think it was. But there was some wierd stuff I'd not experienced before. Get well soon. I didn't eat, cause I'd heard the old saying starve a cold, and I don't know if it helped or not.

  12. I encourage you to try to get some (better) medical help. I hope it is available. This doesn't seem to be clearing up much on its own. Hope you feel better soon. Alana

  13. Have to treat your health as number one. Without it you have nothing else.

  14. Get some good rest sorry to hear about the coughing


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...