Monday, July 04, 2022

Today Is Monday July 4 2022, This Is What Happen.


Didn't feel like blogging yesterday. I gave my self permission to be lazy. I went over to see my Aunt Eve. If you look up the word pessimistic in dictionary there would be a photo of my dad and my Aunt. Such gloomy person. She thought it was awful I didn't go up to the cemetery to put flowers on my parents grave. In so many words it was about presenting the correct image. Anther word don't color elephant any other color than gray. Well I choose to leave in 45 minutes.

Got my week endeavor. If I complete one I'm moving forward. Got new battery put in scale and they do work. These are some of the little extra I hope to complete for my clients, during the week.

Only worked a part of day. So I came home. Finish pressing some fabrics. Complete what I had set out. Next is to cut what I need and place them in there totes. I'm sure I will get time window when I can complete that. Paid a few bills.

This week I hope to practice some setting on my camera. This week I'm going to use the Automatic setting on my camera.

I been watching over on you tube some videos about our FIRST LADY wives and those who play the part of hosting with our President. Although Lindsay Holiday, she has two more video to complete. I found them very interesting. I hope at end she will make play list out of them.

Talking about Presidents. Every so often I see people stop at our distinguish sign as you almost every in Bonners Ferry from south end. You'll see people pull over and taking photos. I have to wonder what there thoughts are. I tried looking briefly on google. But so far no luck.

It wet and raining here over our country birthday. I wasn't planning to go to the local celebration. I surely ain't going to take chance getting shot. To many mask shootings. They talk about “Good Guy With a Gun”. How can one tell if a person packing a gun is good guy or some derange person packing. With a supreme court resent decision on Roe vs Wade. I'm glad I got my crafts. By the way when store earlier some guy had his side arm (gun). Not sure if he was a “Good Guy” or some “Derange Person” I ain't waiting around to see.

Today artist is TOOMAS ALTNURME Who is from ESTONIA

Have safe 4th of July.


  1. Sadly it's not safe most anywhere these days. I'm glad you got some things done though. Happy Independence Day!

  2. never need permission to be lazy!

  3. Gloomy people zap our energy, that’s for sure.

  4. Nice to just relax and be lazy sometimes.

  5. There is no rule that says you must post daily. Take days off when you like. I wouldn't call that lazy.

  6. Blogging should be but fun and elephants or anyone is to be colorful!


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...