Friday, May 13, 2022

Today Is Friday May 13 2022, This Is What Happen.


Long day at work on Thursday.

Hubby went in on Thursday to have his 2nd booster shot. I'm planning to get mine a week from today. Well there was some guy that my husband over heard making comment about the mask. I think it went something like this...Do you guys get tired of carrying mask, such a waste. Anyhow nothing you can do about these people. Since hubby was in town he decided to grab a few items. One was bleach, $10 a gallon. Gas here now runs between $4.45 and $4.57 a gallon.

I'd like to share my fat intake. Geneolink by my genetic make up, It says. I'm not much of a fat intake. When the word fat is mention. I usually think of meat. The ideal just sitting down to eat a bowl fat, doesn't sound so appetizing at all. Let get what I don't like in my meet, is no fat trimmings or fat  around the edge. But I do want some marbling though out my meat. I do like nuts and I know that healthy fat. So I really don't know if I'm a fat seeker when comes to eating.

Now I will cover one more genes trait. They say I'm a tea drinker. I like teas. Hot tea depending on my mood it will have to be either with sugar or with out. Ice tea I need quite sweet. I like a good chai or rooibos tea (red tea) Not much on green or black tea. Lot of time I don't think about making it.

Work went find today. But I'm glad it the weekend. My life seem to be focus around work. I need to retire and I'm so glad this is my last full year. I have quite the bucket list, anyhow I'll need to live to past 85 to get all done. Meaning very little rest for wicked. I had no plan to retire and just set around staring into space.

Today Artist is MANUEL FIGUEIRA who is from CAPE VERDE

Coffee is on and stay safe.


  1. I got my booster shot last month. Here Covid numbers have dwindled to a negligible extent.
    I prefer coffee to tea. Here in South India, we get something we call "Filter Coffee", which is very similar to 'drip coffee'.
    -- Pradeep from Time and Tide

  2. I don't like fat around my meat either, and don't even like the marbling in steak, because that is still fat. My dad liked the fat on the meat and always insisted the butcher NOT trim it off, but my dad was never fat himself. I get my second booster next Monday.

  3. I like the art work (especially the cat). Trust me, retirement is good but can be boring...keep that bucket list handy.

  4. Anonymous3:14 AM

    I quite like hot cooked fat but if eating meat cold, I cut it away.

    My partner had his fourth Covid vaccination last week. I am a few months short of sixty five and so I am not eligible. I also had to pay $25 for my 'flu vaccination which I won't once I reach sixty five.

  5. Time goes fast retirement will come before you know it.

  6. I don’t know why people have to comment. Around here, so far anyway, people have let others be. I wear one, and more people wear them than don’t.

  7. I love teas and I go through phases with them. Right now I'm all about London Fog when we go to Barnes. So yummy.

  8. Yes, lots of people are rude these days and that comment about the mask sure wasn't necessary. When our Dad was still wearing a mask someone made a similar comment to him. He told him that wearing a mask wasn't as hazardous as not minding your own business.

  9. Most people I know who have retired either say they are so busy they don't know how they found time to work, or they go back to work part time. Hoping inflation doesn't make you change your plans. Gas here is around $4.69 a gallon. We still wear masks when indoors - we've had high COVID transmission rates for the last month or more. Alana

  10. Repeating what bookworm said--people I know who are retired keep pretty busy. I'm like one of four who still wears my mask at work. Sigh.


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Today Is Monday, May 13, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Took my morning walk. As I was walking, Murphy was doing his chair yoga.  As for domestic chores, I   loaded and unloaded the dishwasher and...