Sunday, January 23, 2022

Today Is Sunday January 23 2022, This Is Happen


I like to get up a little before 7 to watch Sunday Morning. I enjoy watching news segment on positive things. But I didn't get up until 7:30 in morning. When people try to work for the common good. Even if they disagree on policies.

So as I watch I cut the edge of my fabric strips for my crochet rag rug. I did pick up the mess. Did load of wash and worked on my bullet journal. And vacuumed.

Hubby went to grocery store and I stayed home. Being out in work force 5 days a week, when comes weekend I want to live a hermits life.

He bought $48.20 worth of items. He got 24 items and I will share price of 3 items. Can of 15.3 ounce of green beans is .78¢, package of rice roni beef is .88¢, and dry cranberries is going for $3.19 a pound and got just under a half a pound, which cost $1.56

I only did one blog post in JUNE 2005 no comment, and still talking about organizing.

Since it Sunday I'm going to look deep 3 comment left on my blog. My 1st comment today comes from YOGI and he left this comment....I couldn't take thought of working until I was 70....I'm having enough trouble finish out this year, of full time work. It taking a tole on me physical, mentally, and emotionally. The main reason I'm going to part time next year so Liz and Regis can get some one who is concern about them. And will treat them right.Plus I want to do things. I read that my adopted Great Grandfather Theodore Miller retire at 70 years old as Machinist from MICHICAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, he did get railroad retirement check. Putting in 43 years and died the following November. So he lived around a month after retirement. I find that sad and want to do things.....2nd comment I will be using comes from LAW OF GRAVITY her comment is...The more you talk about your area, the less likely I want to visit Idaho. And yet, I'm sure it is a beautiful place. I just fear your population...There is different between the Northern and Southern part of state. Around Boise the state capital is more progressive than the North. At one time we wasn't so polarized. But it seem the great white migrate picked Idaho, these people mostly came out of the west coast area. Who usual has a large retirement, sell there homes and moves up bulling there way of life on to everyone. Opinion time...It seems like most of them our bigots in one form or others. I wish those who took part great white migrate who falls under the category of prejudice would go back to where they came from. But I doubt the place they left would welcome them with open arms....3rd comment comes from CAT EYES she left this comment...We had 20,000 cases of Covid in our small population, in our county, lots of death too. Too many nutcases here don't even believe the virus is real....Sound like my community. I'm amazed how some people nutty ideals are. Both my hubby and I even have family thinks it a Government ploy this Covid thing is. When hubby went to store earlier he didn't see anyone with mask on. Including any of the store staff. Remember our county population is 12,240 and last week we had 32 cases of covid. Case per 100,000 is 261. Not quite 30% is testing positive here. Only 32.5% of the population is fully jabbed. 40.3% got the booster.Boy these people when there sick and can't breathe they want to best care. But wouldn't take any responsibility to prevent them getting the virus....

Today Artist is GOLNAR ADILI from VIRGINIA. Been clear skies all day. Great view of surrounding mountains.


  1. Interesting art from today's artist.

  2. I sure wish everyone would try hard to get along.

    1. Agreed! Just look at all the hate. Sad.

  3. Found you via several other bloggers I follow. Love the look and interactive feel of your blog. I shall go digging as I think I will find lots to enjoy.

  4. Great artwork. Sundays I sleep in. And then watch kid´s programmes :-)

  5. The difference between Sundays and other days is I put aside time for online church or go for physical church. Interesting artwork.

  6. Anonymous2:14 AM

    It is all very well for some who sit on their arse all day playing on a computer to preach to people that they should work in to their seventies. They need to try working a hands on job in the real world.

  7. Neat art! I hear you. Jason and I are hermits. We like to stay home. It is rare we go out in the evenings…we work all week…we like to relax at home!

  8. Have a good and safe week! Valerie

  9. I understand why you want to stay home when the work week is over. I always felt the same! There were times, in winter I wouldn’t go anywhere, except work, for weeks. My husband did the grocery runs.

  10. I was a teacher. We retire young because we can and because we need to.

  11. I hear ya about not going anywhere on the weekends. It's enough to be out when we're working.

  12. I hope you post a picture of your rag rug. I've never made one but I've seen some really cute ones.

  13. In my last job, I couldn't possibly have stayed until seventy. But if I was still in the shoe factory job I would still be working and could easily stay until 70 or even more.

  14. Most people have to work far past a point they'd prefer to retire because a Pension won't provide enough in most cases. I was forced into early retirement to be a full time unpaid Caregiver to Family who required full time Care. If you had to pay for Adult Long Term Care you would have to be independently wealthy and no Career I ever had, no matter how successful, would have paid for The Man's full time Care, let alone given the rest of us something left to live on. As for the Great White Migration and bringing their biases with them, at least most of them will be all in the same areas and not as spread out to have to tolerate. Where you live is visually a stunning State, but the demographic would be very offputting to me... Rural Arizona is very much like that too, which is why I much prefer to live in the big Cities.

  15. I love the art. I hope you show the rag rug when completed. I bet it will be beautiful.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...