Saturday, December 04, 2021

Today Is Saturday December 4 2021, This Is What Happen

 Took out yesterday post, I did start it and end up going to work. Liz went to her own place. Did my work time up there in late afternoon. I was so glad her therapist stop in. He came as I was going to my therapist section. Found out her first ex husband was planning to come over by train. Plus she been drinking heavier than usual. She want us to go down and pick him up in Sandpoint and the train comes in about 2:30 in morning. I don't like things sprung on me. I suggest she get hold of him and tell him you have no transportation until Wednesday morning. We would get train around 5:30 Tuesday evening. Her therapist thought it was a bad choice.  

Now the Regis is texting me these strange text about flying saucer. I got hold of his therapist. And she leaning toward he not getting enough attention. So he trying to use who every he can as chess pieces. I'm just chuckling about entire thing, and not replying to any bullshit text.  

Still trying to get the twin bed ready to move. I went though a tote of fabric. End up putting the granddaughter Christmas gift in the tote. Pretty much half way done with Christmas shopping for Granddaughters.

Anything over yard square I add to my yard pile. 

Hanging over chair is yard or less. I put them with my other fabrics. That is piled in corner

Sort of went though this craft box, lot of things I forgot about. For now I took out stuff I doubt I will ever use. It ended up in 2 piles, 1 of garbage and thrift store items. I know I will have to sort it down. But when that question. Look like I will have plenty to do when I'm retired. On January 3rd 2023 I'm calling the company and telling them, that it time for them to start looking for my replacement. So as of Friday December 31 2023,will be my last day. So Monday the 12th of Feb of following year. I'm sign up for social security retirement. no desire to work after I'm 65. Just plain tired of work bullshit. 

Here is other reason I'm not to keen on working. I said I would finish up with Regis and Liz. But if something happen to either one. I hope nothing does. I won't be looking for anther job. Maybe if it pay $50 and hour I might consider it. Fact is not enough people taking Covid serious here in Idaho. I was in Safeway Pharmacy to get my husband prescription. And I was the only customer with a mask on. Several people I would gather by the conversation was getting there regular flu shot. There was one guy was saying covid was just flu, going about. And the flu shot would also cover covid. I'll bet you he voted for Trump. The state looks like it a little above 10% positive rate. Than our state only 50.9% of people is fully vax. Now for my county of Boundary. Our positive rate is 16.78% down. For a while it was in upper 20's and lower 30's. And only 30.7% is fully vax. With these number the risk and wages isn't worth it.

Woke up to snow.  Just did one card reading...5 swords, A good story for this card would be  THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE. Lot of things is study as she goes. Will eventually get task done. Hubby said he will help me get Christmas items down, after Gun Smoke. 



  1. Our world is so fortunate to have people like you, our health care workers, and others who are out there everyday. One of our hospitals was supposed to have suspended all routine outpatient surgeries yesterday due to lack of capacity - they have enough beds but not enough staff. Who can blame the staff for quitting? The lack of mask wearing isn't as bad as where you are but we went to a store's open house today and we were almost the only ones there with masks.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It is interesting that the strongly Trump voting states are the least vaccinated, have the highest number of Covid cases and the highest death rates.

  3. have a serious fabric addiction!

  4. I'm pretty sure if the aliens came they would bypass Regis...and Liz!

  5. Your fabric pile is interesting. Will you make quilts?

  6. What is this flip card system for your blog now? It's a little confusing.
    I agree with the others, you do have a LOT of fabrics. You could make a quilt for each grand daughter every year for Christmas.

  7. You will need a long time to get through all that fabric! Stay safe, Valerie

  8. I can understand you not wanting to take on new clients if anything were to happen to your two current ones. Imagine having to adjust to the dynamics of new clients! I wouldn’t want to either.

  9. My older brother loves Gunsmoke. He thinks it was probably the most progressive show of that era. Now he wants to find all the episodes on DVD, somewhere affordable. Most places, those DVD's of Gunsmoke seasons are not affordable at all.

  10. I like sorting through my craft boxes because I always forget about stuff that I have too.

  11. It's amazing what we squirrel away thinking we'll use it later. Looks like you made some decent progress.

  12. "Look like I will have plenty to do when I'm retired."

    If you are anything like me, even when you retire you will still have trouble finding plenty of time.

  13. Retirement can't come soon enough for you


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...