Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Today Is Wednesday September 1 2021 This What Happen

Wednesday is day I challenge my self to random writing prompt. I'm doing NUMBER ONE . Iknown Gloria for a long time, not going even to do the math. I meant her as she was entering Kindergarten. And she was two years old than me. Her mom was visiting a family between us and them. Who lived on Pierce in Spokane Valley. At time my parents lived on Castaldo. And my soon to be friend lived over on Johnson. So over the years we start hanging out with each other and do things. Spend the night at each other home. My mom and her also became friends. Once a month my mom and some other ladies would do a luncheon at one of the local eating establishment.  Confession time...Her and I could be handful for our parents. I'm sure they will be parts of our life left out, any how I don't want to go on and on. And I don't believe any of you want me to continue a never ending story. Gloria was youngest of three, she has one brother and one sister. For some reason we like to jump up and down in my parents pick up bed. Since she was older and had two years of experience. One day she ask me if I want to hear cuss words. thinking it a foreign language. So she said quite a few cuss words. I said "Gee my dad says those words quite often. She got married about the same time I did. Although they choose not have any children.

Balance out the money, so I can pay our bills. Gave Murphy some cash to work with. He doesn't think he will need anything. But who knows what will come up. Regis and I went to one yard sale. Neither one of us found anything. We went to both of thrift store and I got some fabric for $1.99. Not sure what Regis got. 
Than over to Liz we clean out and area, and took some items of her to the thrift store. 

Haven't been happy with way I been mental, emotionally, and attitude in so many things. So my word I use to get me though it is "Serenity" to my higher power. I have conflicting thoughts both positive and negative.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. You bought MORE fabric? ha ha. You are going to be sorting fabric stash forever. Not being mean, just think it is funny. Did you get plain colours or patterns?

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  3. Serenity is so important! Valerie

  4. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Sure we hear a never ending story of you as young lady being naughty.

  5. ...we all need a sense of serenity.

  6. Gloria sounds like a great childhood friend.

    You help keep the thrift stores going, Dora. Yay!

  7. That was a good story. Paying bills is never any fun.

  8. It's good to have old friends.

  9. Sending you serenity!

  10. I hope you find some serenity.

  11. Lots of yard sales here today. I have been strong so far. I don't need more junk. Or anything else. but they're so fun.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...