Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Today Is Wednesday August 18 2021, This Is What Happen

 Wednesday I do my writing challenge. I been using a site called JOURNAL PROMPET and today I picked one from ASSIGNMENT. So my topic is going to be the HUMAN LIBRARY 

Every community would benefit having a human library. It would help all of us having a  better understanding of where a person coming from. Instead of reading a book. A person can check out a human like a book, you barrow them for half hour, and they share something with you. It encouraged to check out on human of topics that you may have issue or just don't set with you. Three people I might check out and listen to, so I could have better understanding. Evangelicals, Nazi/Fascit, or Racist.  Question time...What three topic would you check out? Than three topics as book I could be would be. Being an only child, Born to older parents, and Being wipe out with large medical bill.  Question time...What three topic could you share personal experience about. All in all I believe we could learn about different about personal human experience. Strongly believe that it would put a light on our prejudice. It doesn't matter what size of the community you live in. One might check out these two short VIDEO and VIDEO. Yes a living library. Prejudice's and bigotry's comes from something we been taught, or from bad experience. Human Library is a "Living Library" would help people understand where a person coming from. 

Today was pretty calm at work, Had plan to get photo of someone holding a fake heart. I need to use the word fake. Didn't want anyone think I had a real human heart. It been a while since I work on my Brooklyn Library Projects. I want to draw hands holding a heart. In my mind I can't flip the hands around. During lunch I read Volume one Dairy of Virginia Woolf. I want to watch ORLANDO and VITA & VIRGINIA 


  1. Interesting concept of the human library.

  2. I don't know if I would know "who" to check out. I think I would just see who was available, because I'm sure whoever was there would have something interesting to talk about.

  3. A Human Library where you can borrow people from? I think that's a horrible idea. What if someone got checked out by a serial killer and was never seen again?
    I think libraries should only have books and other forms of information, like dvds and maps, and instruction manuals maybe.

    1. It sound like you can't take person with you, as you would a book or dvd. You stay in safe area.

  4. Can I borrow you? That sounds so interesting!!!!
    My Brother is much younger than me, so only child sure comes to mind, too.

    What a great idea, and it helps both sides.
    I think I have a Human Library on 4th floor, my W!

  5. I think I have already a library with the people from different continents and countries and all colors. I am still in contact with many and one thing I realized wherever you come from we all have the same worries or happiness.

  6. Interesting writing! Have a great day!

  7. The human library sounds interesting but I think it will take much longer to really read a human like a book. Have a great day and enjoy your writing.

  8. The Human Library is an interesting concept Dora, enjoyed the links you shared. Talking to someone that lives a completely different lifestyle to ourselves would be enlightening. Enjoy the movies you picked they both look good ✨

  9. Things are sure getting complicated these days, we just try to be kind to everyone we encounter.

  10. i have never been organized enough to have certain days for blogging certain my mind, my blog is all over the place!! haha

  11. A human library, I like that. Could I check somebody out to mow my yard?

  12. Back when it was safe to be near people, our local library had human books one day a year. I never went but thought it was a cool idea.


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