Sunday, July 25, 2021

Today Is Sunday July 25 2021, This Is What Happeni

 Just finished up ironing some fabrics, that I shared on my last video. But only half of my place is air condition. I will be straight forward. The heat in kitchen ran me out, iron didn't help.

The other day hubby went into Auto zone and got some items for the pickup. Well the cashier was telling Murphy that the government is spying on us. I have to wonder why these people think they are so important or what they're guilty of. Know one is interested in my life. It pretty darn uneventful. The only one I would say that seems to be interested in me, is my search on internet that they want to sell me something.  Over facebook the five ads are jewelry company, Art therapist, promptly journal, Safari hunt, and craft class. 

Going to take three comment and shine a little more light on it. 

I known I shared BRAIN'S HOME and his resent comment was..."The only hair our dad get in his mouth is cat hair" Well there plenty of cat hair. at our place I thought of collecting and spinning. Not really. 

I don't believe I every shared VIX and her comment was..." I loathe shopping malls, I'd probably go mad if I was trapped in one over night...I don't care about shopping in general. If I have to go in a bigger big store for some reason. I know what I want or need. I don't wonder about and look at other things. I guess last time I look around at Walmart, was for some basic summer clothing items. But once I found what I want and took care of my other shopping I was in and out. Hubby says "You can be send into a story and come out with money left over"  Personally I like shopping at mom and pop stores, and thrift store. Anyhow malls don't seem to be as big as it once was. 

And last one for this time around will be RIVER and her comment was "Nothing should be done with lickety split speed, expect races. Take your time, it will get done eventually"... I heard the expression slow and study wins the race. Confession time...I feel guilty not having the energy after work not to continue or get much done at home. I know I will be cutting my hours in a few years, so that will give me more time. 

I guess this is good of time telling more about my working plan or not to work. If something happen to Liz and or Regis I won't go look for anther client or job. The main reason, at this time we only have 25% vaccinated in our county. Unless more people get the covid vaccine. Than I could be singing a different tune. I have done count down to count down to retirement. Well my plan is my official count down will be actual start January 2 2023. Basically I will cutting my hours by fourth until the end of 2023. The reason I'm doing it this way. Is give company a chance to find someone. Well when my friend Alice retire from personal care. She called the company and ask them to find a replacement and she end staying on longer than she want it. Not sure if they couldn't find someone or didn't try. Well the only reason she got out of personal care giving. Her client died. So I figure when I cut my hours down by half they will be looking for my replacement. See they're a shortage of inhome or personal care givers. The three reason is lack of decent wage, I'm at $14.99 and quite a few places around here pays less, the bureaucracy of it, and their client who are ABUSES TO THEIR CAREGIVER Their people who known to abuse there caregiver, and after a while they can't find a caregiver. I understand that people have off days. But I make it clear to all my clients. If you become abusive, I will walk out and it doesn't matter what your doing. That pretty much the only recourse we have. 

I order a few things from Amazon, like 5 items. I honestly don't get much off of amazon. Well I was going on about Jeff Bezos, not paying his fair share in taxes. So here is one of items I purchase was a SAN DISK  Not total sure what I will  being doing. But I'm sure I will be doing.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. We got Amazon prime so delivery is free and convenient. It is easier than going to the store and often cheaper.

  2. was hotter than a $2 pistol here today!

  3. We always figured if the government was spying on us they'd have to be mighty bored or they soon would be. I enjoyed the comments and answers too.

  4. What is it about productivity that we feel we have to always be doing something? Working is something. When you get home after working all day, you should allow yourself to rest. Just think, if you got all your projects done, what would you do then? Might as well take your time with the projects that you're working on.

  5. To judge from the large number of comments you get on this blog, it'd seem that quite a few people are interested in your life! :D

  6. I think the Amazon delivery man has memorized my name…

  7. I was annoued at Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson too, spending all that money to fly into space for just a few minutes. All that money could have helped people in third world countries, they could dig wells and build schools and get medical supplies if money was given to Doctors Without Borders.

    1. I don't know about Branson. But if Bezos paid his taxes at same rate as I do. He could of still went into space. I actual don't order that much from Amazon.

    2. I agree River. Greed is a terrible thing.

  8. oops, typo, annoued should be annoyed.

  9. That’s a low vaccination rate in your county. The fear expressed by the woman sounds like paranoia. How do so many people in a county become so fearful? It is sad and scary.

  10. I think that's a good thing to make clear to the people you care for, let's them know right away that you won't stand for any nonsense! I thought the vaccination rate was higher there for some reason. I refuse to buy anything from Amazon, they don't have anything I need that I can't get elsewhere. I think you are going to enjoy retirement so much Dora, time for everything you want to do ✨

  11. Over here it is hot and sweaty. I need to learn to order things online.

  12. I do nearly all my shopping online. I like clothes made by a manufacturer in India (Anokhi) and they are mostly obsolute unless you can go to India of course! So I buy on EBay. I get my food online and only pop in to town for small things like bread/milk and the library. I want to retire just like you do, the Government here changed the goal posts several times over the years and we have to wait until 66 (i'm 62).

  13. Amazon is really popular here in India, though they have good competition from Flipkart, founded by two Indians, but now owned by Walmart.

    Interestingly, both Amazon (in 1995) and Flipkart (in 2007) started their business selling books!

  14. Ha ha! I am of the same opinion. Spy away - you'll get bored pretty darn soon.

  15. Can´t remember when I ironed last time! But then... we wear t-shirts anyway.

  16. I have friends who do personal care and they talk about having to quit abusive clients. It's really common at least around here, for clients to be abusive to caregivers. And you are right, pretty soon no one will go near them, as caregivers. The arrogance of people who think they are so important the government wastes the time to spy on them! What egos!!!


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Today Is Friday, September 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Wow! The Vangogh Immersive Show was well worth it. I hope another immersive show comes to Spokane. I asked those working at the show if the...