Saturday, July 31, 2021

Today Is Saturday July 31 2021, This Is What Happen

 With heat this summer, we really haven't had all that much smoke from the wild fires. Until today. When I went out and got mail I grab the camera. Took quick photo, can't see the mountains. There starting to talk about rain up coming week, although nothing over 45% and some thunderstorms. With the dryness and if there to much lightning. It could strike up wildfire.

Cut this 4 yellow strips for quilt I been working on, when I say working on. It also slow going. Like most projects, I do. Anyhow I tried that little room air condition, mention in YESTERDAY POST. We gave it try in kitchen as hubby and I was wrapping ground beef. The cool breeze made it more comfortable. But wouldn't cool down entire kitchen. Think it would be good in my creative and or computer room. No promise! I hope this will give me a chance to work on my projects. Like start sewing strips together.

Green fabric sampler. My next color in the stack is orange. Also got grocery bag full of these green fabrics, with few other colors toss in. Which is given to our local quilting gilded. They do sewing project for different charities. 

Coffee is on and stay safe.




  1. Seems like the world is on fire. I heard Turkey and Sicily not to mention areas of Canada

  2. Bad fires in Turkey and far eastern Russia. Western Europe drowned out. Hope no wildfires near you. Stay safe.
    Looking forward to seeing some of your quilts.

  3. The yellow strips are pretty. I hope the fires don't come your way, hope for rain instead.

  4. Hari OM
    Having lived in bushfire territory, I know the strange beauty and the terror of it. Stay safe... and cool! YAM xx

  5. So many areas around the globe could use the help of rainfall.
    Your quilt will be pretty.

  6. ...the hot and smoke are today's dust bowl.

  7. Last week we had smoke from the wildfires clear over here.

  8. Wow that was smokey Dora! Let's hope that rain does happen and soon! I like the look of your personal air cooler last post, hope it helps when you start making your quilt 😉

  9. That's a lot of smoke if you can't see the mountains. Have fun with quilting. Valerie

  10. Nice fabric you have to work with

  11. Fingers crossed for no lightning. Slow and steady wins the race, so no hurry to get your creative projects done.


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