Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Today Is Wednesday May 5 2021, This Is What Happen

 Today Is I like to challenge my self to a journal prompt and the one was randomly picked for me was NUMBER TEN although I know I felt sad when I was younger. But I'm going to write it as closes I can to present tense.

In general I think I'm an up beat type of person. Very rarely I feel sad and or depress. Question time...what is difference between depress or sad. I only can come up with two things that will make me sad or depress. When someone or a pet dies, I will cry or better term would be tear up. I will feel sad. Then the other one would be angry to sad. Few times I been so angry at some one, who victimized anther person. Taking advantage of someone can really make me angry and the anger can lead to depression.

I haven't been so sad or depress I couldn't function completely.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. There are so many kinds of depression ! Seasonal, heritage from parents, against them you can't do nothing only medication and then there are the depressions due to special events in life.

  2. Very well said. You are kind.

  3. ...try to have as few blue day as possible.

  4. I feel depressed when something make me sad and angry at same time

  5. Everyone gets sad or depressed occasionally. That's normal.

  6. We get sad for those same reasons too.

  7. I was depressed once but sadness is a guest sometimes!

  8. Depends on the depression, I think. Some can be serious.

  9. Sad passes, depression can go on for years or forever, depending on the person and the reason.

  10. I feel the same Dora, I think we are very lucky, depression can be a dreadful state to cope with ✨

  11. Sadness is a feeling but you can still function with that feeling. Depression is that feeling that overwhelms you and makes it difficult to function...difficult to get out of bed and even take a shower!

  12. I can tell you what depression is like because I've been there. It's like being in a pit with glass walls. Climb out? No, it's hopeless and you don't even try. You literally see the world in black and white because the color has drained out. It is not sadness. Alana

  13. I've suffered from depression since I was 9 years old. Sadness I can come back from fairly easy. But depression is like having a sadness so thick cover your head that no matter how much you try, you can crawl out of it. I've spent weeks in bed because I couldn't pull myself out of it.


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