Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Today Is Tuesday April 13 2021, This Is What Happen

 If Tues and or Sat falls on odd day. I will take my walk, not by home home. I drove out to KOOTENAI REFUGE. It sort of follows the Kootenai river, and river is on low side. But today post is mainly how I'm doing on my healthy adventure. Took camera and got a few photos, none of tree are leaf out. But for my neighborhood walk is slightly over one mile, round trip.

Actual my walk out there wasn't all that much. It was quite windy and had to meet a friend for coffee. Only saw two type of birds, Robin and I believe a black billed magpie. I lost 1.2 pounds. My weekly goal is three fourth pound a week. 

Let talk about lunch, as many know I go to work. I take my lunch with me. I very rarely but sweets in my lunch. I try to put in 4 so called healthy foods. If I take entire sandwich it count as two items. Today lunch was half of turkey sandwich, .50 ounce of filberts, kiwi fruit, and carrots sticks. If I end up eating out I usual have bowl of soup. I find if I don't bring sweet in house and only eat them in cafe setting I do much better. I have serving of desert, eat it and leave. well of course I pay for it.

But when I'm super stressed out I have binge eat, and loose focus of health habits. In past I had more trouble getting back on track. Now once the binge eating episode. I'm lot quicker to get back on track. The other thing need work on is my accountabilty which would be keep track on fitday and the fitbit sight. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Beautiful photos and good sharing. Stay fit and healthy. Don,t stress and stay happy. Have a nice day

  2. Well done on the walking. I need to start that again, but I just can't seem to get going.

  3. Nice walk, it's great to get out - your diet is going well - maybe you won't lose as much as you want all the time but you still lost quite a bit in a week :)

  4. ...it can be difficult to keep things in focus.

  5. You did well this week. Great job.

  6. Beautiful photos! Love seeing what the landscape around you looks like.

  7. Looks like a beautiful landscape around you ! Then it's nice to walk (if it doesn't rain)

  8. That sure looks like a pretty place for a walk!

  9. walking is the best exercise!

  10. I really like your pictures.

  11. Interesting walk routine.

  12. Very healthy lunch you eat. Bleak landscape though, where you walked.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

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