Sunday, April 11, 2021

Today Is Sunday April 11 2021, This Is What Happen

 Decided to step back in time and go back to one of my OLD POST There use to be blogger get to gather and one could get to know each other. They seam to come and go. Sometime know I only do "Paint Party Friday" If I mange to get some type of creative piece done. In back of my head I been thinking maybe I should join anther so called or I call "Get to Know one anther" Wondering if those four bloggers who left comment was still active blogger. The direct answer would be "No" 

Sort of like to take from three random comment and possible shine some light on it. 

First one is from HIGH RISER Here his comment "One Step forward and with tax, than two steps backwards. I thought you would of caught up with your paper work, your table would be clear...As for taxes I will be sending them of Monday or Tuesday. The quarterly tax is do on the 15 of this month. I clueless why they're giving us extra time on the 2020 Federal taxes. Usual they are due 15 of April. This year we're getting to May 17. I just get them mailed off either Monday or Tuesday. I have awfull time with paper clutter. That one main reason I don't own a printer. 

Second commment will be from PERTH DAILY PHOTO Her comment was...Oh how fab Dora, sounds like a wonderful time with family over Easter, and new granddaughter arriving soon, you must be thrilled. Hope you find all ok, at work when you get back. Well had plan to go to Spokane to see my youngest one and his family. But hubby came down with strep throat. Next week we have an memorial service to go down in Post Falls, Murphy sister Faith lives down there. They also had the vaccine and we might stop in and visit them. I believe first weekend of May might be good to catch up with our youngest. With my clients that I take care of. Who knows with them. There kind people with emotional and mental illness. But bad behavior isn't a way to behave.

Third comment and last is from WOOD FAIRY and her comment on my blog was...Strawberry create are a brillent idea, I would like to try that. I love gardening if you just do one raised bed it would be rewarding- we put lettuce and things in pots on trays on the garden tray on garden table and cut and eat salad during the summer. Our neighbors who younger couple and us, shared our garden last year. They seem to be interested in the garden again this year. Hubby was pretty impress with strawberries create ideal. Haven't had chance to look into. I did look at create on sale on line, but it was only briefly. I'm going to see if the stores will just give me a few. 

I wish or hopeful someone can share a garden sharing blog hop. 

Weather look nice for entire week. I didn't get the hawaii mask done. I just need to do over the week. I hope I am not so stress out and that use my tools more wisely. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. The one gardening blog hop I know about is the bloom day. On the 15th of every month they post whatever is blooming in their gardens. I don't know who sponsors it, however.

  2. summed up blogging, some seem to come and go!

  3. I do wonder about some old blogger commenters, what happened to them.

  4. Sometimes it is fun to look back and see what was happening.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    At times I need to look at old post and I am reminded of people who used to comment who may or may not have had their own blogs. Only a couple of bloggers made a formal announcement that they were leaving blog land. The rest just disappeared. Thanks for the tax explanation.

  6. I sent my daughter the picture of the strawberry crates and she thinks it's a great idea and will try it next spring.

  7. Oh I really hope your hubby's throat is better Dora, a sore throat can be so painful! You are ahead of us re the vaccine thankfully it isn't a problem here as we are Covid free, hopefully it stays that way ✨


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
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Today Is Tuesday, April 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Last day of the month. Since it was the last day. I try to get the photo looking west from my driveway. It has been cloudy most of the da...