Sunday, January 24, 2021

Today Is Sunday January 24 2021, This Is What happen.


Mainly I tied up loose ends from yesterday. I wonder why there more of mess when your sorting things. Plus every surface seems to have powerful magnet. Today I worked on the coffee table, it also has a magnet. Just brief go over and got rid of known trash. 

Day of sink scrubbing. This place only has three sink. I guess if I was going to put in anther sink it would be by the washing machine. Like always I can think of other projects. Confession time...only did two sinks.

Had a chance to go though some fabrics. Even made you tube video. Thinking it will be posted Tuesday or Wednesday. Monday I will up loaded, as I take part in live video that day. I even doubt I will chance to press any of this fabric until Tuesday. It now on back of the couch. Talking about pressing I sure hope my terry cloth pad on my ironing board works. So I am guessing these fabrics I will put them in there place. Some will be used for the throw quilt I been working on. 

See most of this is fabrics. If I make 2 to 4 video a month. My guess I should have this  current pile of fabric sorted around June.

Planning to chance my work week up a little. I usual work Monday til Friday. Saturday and Sunday off. But this time I will work next Sunday the 31st and take complete weekend starting Friday the 5th off. I will be getting my booster that day. I have personal light schedule on Monday. I need to get hold my blue cross and see if they got my tax credit and fax my last 3o days of pay to health and welfare. This will be done during my lunch hour.

Coffee is on and stay safe.  


  1. Cleaning sinks is never fun. I hope the insurance think is all okay.

  2. Use a small basket or cardboard box to hold the papers on the table, they will still be there, but will look tidier.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm not, take my word for it. One of thing is I have to much stuff.

  4. I should clean my sinks too.

  5. It looks like you have to plan your days to get everything done. I know what you mean about magnets, any flat surface in our house is quickly covered with clutter and I spend a lot of time rehoming 'stuff'! Have a good week.

  6. ...I have always been better at making messes than cleaning them up.

  7. You have so much material Dora, that's going to be a magnificent quilt one of these days 😉

  8. It's good to keep organized.
    stay safe!!

  9. I hate doing sinks but manage to do them every so often. Hateful job.

  10. Lots and lots to do.

  11. You are certainly keeping busy.

    All the best Jan


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