Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Today Is Tuesday September 29 2020, This Is What Happen

 Thought I would be watching the debate, well I can still hear it. It remind me of middle school kids. I would like to be inform, not looking for cheap entertainment. 

This morning my friend and I was going out in Moyie area to visit a friend. But they had some type of crud. So we sat on Main street. Got our coffee at Under the Sun and she had tea. Came home and did a few things, nothing big.

Went to the company meeting and to see what going on with private insurance and how medicaid will be handling things. At this point I am so glad my clients is under a state plan. In next few years things will be changing majorly in home care or personal care. The sad thing neither one trust the so call the other side. Which is total sad. The other thing I find is sad that there having trouble finding home or personal care givers. With covid is one factors I feel a little safer then being on front line health care worker. But I sure wouldn't want to be a store clerk, mostly in Idaho. Mask aren't the popular thing here. Plus the other problem is pay rate.  

Murphy started to stain the deck. He needs to go to the foot doctor to get mold made of his feet 

Afterward I stop in at Walmart to see if they had few things. Went to get some embroidery supplies. Did find the hoops. Although they had no flour sack dish towel. I will check SHARON'S to see if they have any. One of other thing I want to find was some disinfectant in container. Well if not found I will order it online. 

Almost ready to move on to my next main color, yellow. I don't see starting it until around Monday the 5th. But today I mange to get my pink fabric strips cut. The one on left is first one I cut, and on the right is last one cut.

Coffee is on


  1. The debate was on our TV here in Australia but I didn't watch it.

  2. We had the debate on but it was making me so darn mad that we turned it off...well and we are up at 5am so we aren’t up late! :-)

  3. Was your son affected by the Medford area fires? I read 9 mobile home parks were destroyed in the Phoenix and Talent fires near Medford, mostly low income folk losing homes or apartments.

  4. The "debate" made me roll my eyes...and then, when he did the shoutout to the White Supremacists...he confirmed everything I always knew about him.

  5. Politicians are all crooks. Caregivers are wonderful and do so many important things.

  6. Here the Newspaper and TV were full of comments on the show they gave yesterday ! It really is a shame ! But some people return to sandboxes with the age ! They should retire like normal people !

  7. I don't go to Walmart too often these days, cut back on my shopping trips, safer.

  8. The debate was shown in the UK, but I didn't watch it.

    All the best Jan

  9. I avoided the debate. I can't stand his voice, so I'd rather not. It's not like I don't know who I'm voting for already.

  10. All You Can Do Is Speak Your Truth And Stay Creative - Be Well Today And Enjoy Your Weekend



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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...