Sunday, September 20, 2020

Today Is Sunday September 2020, This Is What Happen

Thought I would post before noon my time. Yesterday I start to cut some of my red stripes for my 2 inch throw quilt. I mention of other up coming quilts I would or plan to do. I work 30.50 hours outside of the home. And take care of things around the place, so project are slow going. Once I start sewing the strips for the 2 inch block quilt, then I will start doing the embroidery for my Granddaughter(s) quilt. And who knows when actual the Victorian crazy quilt will be start.

She was some of our hopes and dreams. As by social media the world knows of passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Do you recall passing of  Antonin Scalia, and this last part of President Obama last term of President and how important it was to wait, until after election of Trump Vs Clinton 2016. Opinion time...It would only right to wait until after the inauguration of 2021. I called my two United State Senator from my state of Idaho and left this message..."No Confirmation Until After Inauguration" Did try to get hold of Mitch McConnell he is head of Republican party of Senate but no luck. I also need to try to get message to Charles Schumer. I might rant and rave about issues. But when there issue I speak to my elected officials. This is one of them.

Hubby change the oil in pick up, we're down to one rig. Going to look at rig tomorrow. Paid the bills for September I usual like them done first part of the month. I didn't! But now they are. Did load of wash and now the clothes are in dryer.

It been a little time since I mention my weight journey. It seems like I am falling off the wagon when it comes to eating. I was going to T.O.P.S and since of Covid we and not sure if any groups have meant. But our local area seems not to take the covid serious. Statement time...I don't feel safe going to any type of groups or gathering where protection isn't taking seriously. So I am seeing if I could find a local OVER EATERS ANONYMOUS  that does zoom. 

I also haven't been to our local art or quilt guild for sometime. Confession time...Even before Covid I wasn't going hardly at all. I will blame it on the job. The other day I ran into one local artist and she hasn't been much and she was telling me. That there were people from local art group that came down with covid. And not sure if who or the number of mask in group had mask on. My guess it was super low number. See even next Saturday there is a stampin party here in my local area. Right now 4 going and 18 interested. As evidence points as for mask and social distance it not a thing. I been invited to a gathering of gift bag exchange and usual it happen once a month and photos of gather no one had mask on either. I am even starting wear a N95 mask when I go where there a low mask participation.

Just heard my dryer beep....Coffee is on


  1. I hope you find the support you need for your health journey.

  2. I do hope you may be able to find a support group that uses zoom (or similar) I'm sure they are around.

    All the best Jan

  3. The quilt material looks good. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be sorely missed, she was a wive and courageous lady. Have a good start in the new week, Valerie

  4. I think you are wise to avoid group meetings where people don't see a reason to wear a mask.

    1. I guess I could wish people would wear there mask

  5. Good that you avoid group meetings. Not all people are taking this virus seriously. We only go out walking and grocery shopping. Good luck with finding a support group, I'm sure there are some. RGB will surely be missed. The world needs more people like her. Enjoy the new week and stay safe!

    1. Yes and I am sure the plenty of RGB spirits out there.

  6. Trust me, Chuck Schumer won’t back down on this.

    1. I hope they can find 4 republican to not to let this go though

  7. I too believe it would only be right to wait until after the inauguration. People in my area aren't taking Covid seriously either. I don't go to any gatherings unless outdoors with social distancing. It's better to stay away from groups right now. Stay safe!

    1. I have friend, her and I meet for coffee at local park. The little Bistro we would get it. They have no protection at all.

  8. ...we lost a GREAT American women!!!

    1. I am sure there a lot more Great Woman. And RNG was great one

  9. Hari OM
    So sad to hear of RBG's passing... an era goes with her.

    I LOVE your red strips! YAM xx

  10. Sometimes it's hard sticking to the diet thing, but you can do it, you can. We were sad about RGB too, she was such a fighter.

  11. Wouldn't it be better to work on one quilt at a time, from start to finish? Then at least you have something done and can put more focus on the next one.
    I was so sorry to hear about RBG. This morning there is a headline in our newspaper (all the way in Australia!) "Trump's supreme plan to roil election" Apparently he is determined to install a new supreme judge before the election and that isn't the usual way to do things.
    I fell off the diet wagon long ago, when the weather her turned colder, I ate more warming comfort foods. But I will get back on track now the spring and summer is coming.

  12. I will be mainly working on the 2 inch quilt blocks. But embroidery blocks is something I can do when I take my clients to the doctor. I know company I work for would not appreciate me bringing my fabrics, cutting stuff, and sewing machine. The embroidery is pretty easy to maintain in small area.

  13. RGB's passing is all over the internet in sadness.

  14. I was very sad to hear of RBG. She was something else again. They don't make them like her anymore. Trump and his cohorts will try to force a nominee, despite what they did with Obama, at the end of his term. They do not have morality to stand by their own rules at all. They will make up reasons to justify and the appointee will probably be Satan, lol.

  15. I like that you do your embroidery work while waiting for clients.

  16. Oh la! Your selection of materials in the red tones look fabulous together there Dora, your quilt is going to be stunning 💙 Don't worry about your diet, just jump back on the wagon when you feel up to it! So annoying when people don't wear face masks, they do such a good job! Take care of yourself ✨

  17. Lovely red quilting material ~ very creative ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. It will be healthier to gain back a bit of weight then to come into a group who may have covid-19.
    Love the colors for your quilt 🍂☕🍁

  19. So glad you called your senators. We need to get on them so that they play by the rules they established in 2016. But we know they won't.


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Today Is Friday, September 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Wow! The Vangogh Immersive Show was well worth it. I hope another immersive show comes to Spokane. I asked those working at the show if the...