Tuesday, September 01, 2020

August Report 2020, This Is What Happen

 To me once August is over it time to wind up summer and get out harvest party stuff. Since covid and all stuff, not much party been going on.

As for craft I start a crochet rag rug. Got the blue in and rolled up some brown. Most of my rag rugs are from old sheets. Once in while I will do them out of regular cotton fabric. But it costly. 

About the third week in month I feel flat on my face when comes to drop some weight. By end of September I had ideal being under 200 pounds. I doubt I will make it and guess I should be around 203 to 201.

Got all my. Maybe all isn't a good word. I got my scapes primary color sorted, pressed, and neatly put in a tote. Now on to my secondary colors. If I did this pretty much for 15 to 30 minutes daily I would pretty much have my fabrics in order. I got a few things taken to thrift store also. 

I discovered a quilter FREDDY MORAN I like the whimsical look of her quilt. 

There was a few hot days in August but toward end notice few leaves drifting toward goldish color. Plus I found my rocks and charms. See what happen when you go through all of your purses.

PERSONALITY INSIGHT let see what it says...You are inner-directed and somewhat indirect.

You are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them. You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. And you are authority-challenging: you prefer to challenge authority and traditional values to help bring about positive changes.

You are motivated to seek out experiences that provide a strong feeling of organization.

You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and tradition. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you care more about making your own path than following what others have done.

Now my three thoughts on different things that came up...Prone to worry at 36% well I never looked myself as worries. If or I tend to worry if things aren't up to date. Confession time...Then on the other hand I am horrible at my paperwork. I just need to do it. Trust is number 2 and that 42% and I thought it would be up in 60% range. I also felt like I am a trustworthy person and I trust other people. But I sure don't have my head stuck in sand. I know there not so nice people. Number 3 and last one is closeness at 16% Now I might sound a little like hypocrite. I have trouble expressing myself and there been time I did and was stab in back and made a fool of. So I guess I do have trust issue. I look as trust as physical thing...example If I said I will bring twenty dollars on certain day. I would make sure I was there with the twenty spot. If something odd came up and couldn't make it. I would then get hold of you and make other plans. So one reason I blog and do creativity art to express myself.

Coffee is on


  1. May cooler weather find us soon.

  2. The crochet rag rug sounds fun. I crocheted my grandson a baby blanket and I have no idea how because I don't know how to crochet. lol I think I made up some stitches.

  3. Anonymous1:07 AM

    No, not much partying happening anywhere. Maybe there will be a big party when Trump is re-elected. I used to think that was impossible. Now, I am not sure.

  4. I would like to see your rag rug when you're done!

  5. No partying here, but I am starting with my fall decorating. I've been waiting for September.

  6. I gain weight if I snack too much, have to really keep track of that.

  7. We are sure ready for fall, not winter, but fall is okay!

  8. Only 60-plus days until the election. Hope the autumn weather cools everybody down so that their heads are on straight when they vote.

  9. I like the Autumn (Fall) it is one of my favourite seasons.
    Like the sound of your rag rug and thanks for the link to Freddy, her quilts look so colourful.

    All the best Jan

  10. Sad to let summer go, even though it was a very cold one!


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Today Is Monday, May 13, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Took my morning walk. As I was walking, Murphy was doing his chair yoga.  As for domestic chores, I   loaded and unloaded the dishwasher and...