Sunday, August 30, 2020

Today Is Sunday August 30 2020, This Is What Happen


Not heavily felt like fall weather, only slightly. Notice the Maples on North side place start to lighten up to a different color. Other then tanning, wouldn't it be strange if we all changed color though the change of season. Started to sort of watering what I call royal sunshine bed. Half of it needs to come out. We want to plant a tree in that spot. So in summer time the sun won't be beating on kitchen door.

Thought I wouldn't living in world, mostly here in United States that became disconcerting for those who live in North Idaho, and isn't a Trump supporter. Start to look into other places to live. As for political climate I am looking for neither a dark red or blue state. Yes other small requirement in moving. Knowing I won't be getting everything I need or want.

My son and his family from Medford came up. Meant them at the beach and mostly her was shocked on how many people didn't have mask on. Won't past judgement on any of dramatic of who is who anyone of the people in photo. There in Oregon or Washington if you don't have mask on they usually ask you to put on mask and if you refuse to then your ask to leave. If that doesn't settle the mask issue they will call local law enforcement and then usually your charged with trespassing. Around here nothing is done about mask. Opinion time...I believe there afraid to say anything because of retaliation.

My life is to go to work stay stores much as possible. Go home and only social life I have is I visit with my friend Quenella in Georgia park once a week or every other. We get our coffee at Under the Sun and there no protection for the employees or customers.  None of their employees have any type of mask on or shields on. Usual most of their clientele is also unmasked. I been thinking of getting my coffee at zip trip and just taking it down to Georgia park.

Sort of playing with ideal going down to Medford, in October. I have no issue of wearing a mask and social distance. But since I live in area that  most people here doesn't follow C.D.C guidelines. Feel it not right for those who might be traveling the same time I am, and putting them at odds. Actual I feel safer over in Washington or Oregon, with their mask mandate.

About to say If memory serves me right that waverly fabric is from Walmart. I could google that to find my answer. So I got these fabrics iron and put in there correct containers. Rolled up one brown fabric roll for my crochet rag rug I am working on. It good to let the fabric roll to set for a lease two weeks, it seems it sort of natural puts crease in fabric, to hold at one inch. Over on facebook I been doing a creative challenge. So far no takers but I am not giving up. But even for us people who likes to do our arts and craft the way we meet is changing. Most community has such a thing as art, yarn, or quilt club and they either put on show or be part of the local county fair. What I notice lot of them is doing it on line. One quilt show I would like to go to is the one in SISTER OREGON but like lot of them there now online, wear it safe and I understand why it done this way. But it seems strange. Last I heard our community is hosting there show at our local fairgrounds. I just don't see myself not going. 


  1. Those yellow fabrics are lovely and bright.

  2. "Other then tanning, wouldn't it be strange if we all changed color though the change of season."

    I'm one of those people who notices her skin getting paler in the less sunny months as well as tanning in the sunnier ones. So... ;)

    "Start to look into other places to live."

    Good luck with your search and may you find a place where you feel you belong more!

  3. These are really weird times. I would never have thought we one day have to wear masks!
    And even less that when we have to people refuse to do it. Or wear it wrong.

  4. Sometimes when the Mom and Dad go out they are the only ones wearing masks.

  5. You are about a month ahead of us in the season.
    Love to have you in Oklahoma but the political atmosphere is red meat Red.

  6. I'm happy our state has been fairly successful in combating the virus. The governor has stated over and over we would be following science not politics. There are a lot of idiots however who scream bloody murder if asked to wear a mask. Its such a ridiculous thing as wearing a mask is nothing. Seems like little kid tantrums really. If you visit Oregon, avoid Portland, especially after dark. Crazy there and violent.

  7. OMG everyone is wearing masks indoors here.

  8. We have to wear masks indoors in Toronto area.

  9. The thing I remember about Medford is how soft the water is---or was, in 1962. We took a trip to Crater Lake from Pasadena, where the water was so hard it was difficult to scare up any lather. Well, in the motel in Medford I used the usual amount of shampoo and got BILLOWS of suds. Took almost a week to wash all the shampoo out of my hair. No, I'm exaggerating, but those billows of suds were quite a surprise.

  10. Yeah, it's a bit creepy when people don't wear masks. I've been working, and when I'm at a school, we all have them on. It feels safer that way.

  11. Will you be able to resist the quilt show Dora 😉 Wear a mask!


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Today Is Thursday, May 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...