Thursday, July 02, 2020

Today Is Thursday July 2 2020, This Is What Happen

Hubby rash is slightly better. Looking a little lighter. We switch laundry soap when we got our new washing machine. There was some tide pods.
Ok, I am going to grip a little here...The perfume smell is little much. Not sure why he breaking into a rash yet. Hoping it the laundry soap. But if it was soap wouldn't his feet break out, because of his socks, see there no rash on his feet.

Today is our anniversary. Confession time...I forgot well more like, I wasn't sure of date. We got married in 88 and before that we live together for five years. Was it always easy being married no.

There is time I feel there no different between my job and home. Today once I came home. I had to hear what possible went wrong and hard his day. I know being the home maker isn't all like what it is cracked up to be.
First thing as walk into the door. I hear how bad his day is. He didn't have the kids at home messing up the place.
Liz was trying not to get up set over a letter she received from new land lord of the apartment she living in.
That they might be raising her rent. Well HUD has a set rate for state and county. Plus they need to give a 60 day notice before any action is taken.
Not sure what the current rate in my area for a two bedroom apartment.
The senior and disability apartment is a lot less. Regis pays $189 for his one bedroom place and there not a bad place.
But the lady who runs the senior apartment is a bully.
She was some what trying to freak out, but mange to hold together.

One thing I like to do is cut back on news. I keep debating with my self less in morning or less in evening. Or just complete skip TV news and just get news off the internet
I like to be informed and know what going on it world.

As for you tube video in July, I plan to do three of them. One will be about tarot cards that makes me uncomfortable. 

Last night my mind would shut down. I was stupid and took a personality disorder  test of at PSYCH CENTRAL and it was some what interesting. I don't recall my weakness and strength.
But at times I look my social media mainly blog and my video as my therapy.

After work yesterday, I watch ZEITGEIST one of my cousin and I have like around 50 first cousin. 27 on my mom side.
I know very little about my dad side.
My first cousin son mention this movie. Here is five words I would use to explain my thoughts, weird, strange, different, and conspiracy. All and all I wouldn't give it much of passing grade.

Coffee is on


  1. I think I overdose on news sometimes. If you need to take a break, turn off the tv.

  2. Imhave a lot of allergies and if i am allergic to a laundry detergent, I don't always get the rash in all places. Some parts of my body seem tougher. It is rhe same with other allergens. Plastic bandaids would give me a rash say where they take blood or my knee but not my finger. . .

  3. Happy Anniversary! I was also married in 88, I think you are a bit younger than me I am 61.

  4. Hopefully the rash goes away or you figure out what is causing it.

  5. 50 cousins?!? Wow. I don't have one.

    My aunt and uncle both forgot their anniversary a few years back. They both thought it was funny.

  6. It doesn't seem like there is much news these days, it all seems the same, over and over again. I hope you figure out what is causing that rash. Happy Anniversary from all of us!

  7. Oh man the Tide Pods stink so badly I can't use them on clothing or I like want to gag and not breath.

  8. I had a look at the personality disorder site and answered the questions, I got a score of zero, so I don't have a personality disorder. Seems right, I'm a stable person, not often anxious about anything.
    I wonder if the rash may be a reaction to the fabrics with certain soaps, or maybe the dyes used in the fabrics. it's also possible hubby is reacting to certain foods even if he never did before, or a different brand of his usual medications?

  9. We forget our anniversary every year Dora, we've been married so long 😀😀 looking forward to your UTube re tarot cards!

  10. Happy Anniversary and Many More. I can't forget my anniversary as we got married on my Birthday and Hubby better not forget!! I stay away from personality test sites as i never got one which gave me a favourable report.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...