Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Today Is Wednesday June 24, This Is What Happen

Not sure what three words I want to start today post with. It doesn't matter.

Off and on all day I kept thinking to my self. I should be doing. It an on going list. Plus it doesn't matter where I start.

I did watch a dvd about AARON SWARTZ. The five words I would use to desribe this video. boring, intriguing, rapacious, advocate, and sad.
This dvd was called THE INTERNEY OWN BOY
After watching this I got a Reddit account. Still learning my way around. I believe I would like to watch more dvd or films of less known film makers.

Over father day my oldest son Sawyer came up with family and visited. Middle grand daughter also middle grand child is telling grandpa a story.
Hoping to next month a chance to go to Spokane and visit other grand daughters.
Pretty much daily I like Covid 19 report for five northern county here panhandle of Idaho. I checked with PANHANDLE HEALTH DIST. There two counties so far no reported cases, and one is where I live Boundary.
I am not a big watcher of fox news. But the state west of me, Washington is making face mask MANDATORY.
This actual remind me when seat belts came out, and some people had issue with it. But some people have trouble with change. My dad had trouble with change. I have wonder why some people is uncomfortable with change.

Coffee is on


  1. I love the photo, Grand daughter telling grand dad a story, that's so sweet.

  2. Sweet scene :-)
    Yes, I remember, too when seatbelts became mandatory.
    But masks only when in buildings or "crowds" - wearing glasses it´s a pain, they get foggy...

  3. I hope you get to see your grand daughter soon

  4. Our Dad remembers when seat belts came out too. Our state has more Covid-19 positive cases now that ever before.

  5. I should look into a reddit account thanks

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I think some people hate been told what to do, even if it is good for them.

  7. That is a lovely photograph.

    All the best Jan

  8. Masks are now mandatory in California, too.

  9. Oh that is the sweetest photo of granddaughter and grandpa Dora, you must have been so pleased to see them. It is true what Andrew said, but it's for the best ✨

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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...