Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Today Is Tuesday June 16 2020, This Is What Happen

Before the rain and clouds and such. Not long ago I did a video and I was ask about mountain range behind me. Which was Purcells
Decided to take walk and tell about the three mountain ranges I can see from my home. Sorry it a little shacky.

Now things aren't going like I want to on this post. I want the video up on the very top. Oh well I never claim to be a professional blogger or vlogger.

Maybe I will actual like what every format it might be👀 

Good news. In my weight lost I find it better for me to set quarterly goals for weight lost. End of June my goal was to weigh 200.4 pounds. That was my 2nd quarter goal. I like to stay with in 2.75 pounds of set goal. Then end of June I will set anther quarter goal. If I keep my calorie count between 1,600 and 1,800 calories. I seem to do fine. I loose and not feel hungry.👄

We went down and got our dryer out of home depot. We ordered on line and one word I would use for there online ordering...
The closes home depot is in Ponderay and for some reason there site keeps telling me I live in Ponderay. Then the deliver people can't find it because they have the wrong town. Then we end going down to Ponderay store. Nice people. But corperate head quarter is anther story. Just like dealing with
government bureaucray. Well I am going to send e-mail to there main office. 
Murphy and I been sorting and stacking some cedar boards. 
The other day I got what I thought would work to hook audio to my camera. Trying to get rid of back ground feed. The camera I am using is a Kodak pixpro 401 and it doesn't have a jack connection. Now I figure I need to take it to our library and they have techie persons. That they will help you with such things dealing with technolgy. Not sure when the technolgy or the 3 d printer will be going. They just opened.

In five northern county where I live. Our first death has happen. It was in KOOTENAI COUNTY and there anther county between county I live in and kootenai.

Trying to get coffee table a little picked up. Mainly removing paper clutter. Now I find the align dew hicky.

Coffee is on


  1. Glad you got your dryer.

  2. Very scenic place where you live.

  3. I'm doing my weight loss in quarters too, but quarters of the weight, not a specific time. I had to lose 20kg, about 40 pounds, so I aimed for a quarter of that, 5kg, now I'm working on the second quarter, another 5kg. I hope to have the whole 20kg lost by Christmas or a bit earlier.

  4. My atlas doesn't show the Purcell Mountains, only the Selkirk, I guess my book is too small. I have a giant atlas that just about covers my table, the Purcell would probably be in that one, but it weighs a ton and I don't lift it up very often anymore.

  5. Congratulations with your weight loss and I'm sorry to hear of the death in Kootenai. As you've probably heard Ada County has the highest Corona crap going on. That would be my county here in Boise and almost zero people are wearing masks or keeping a distance. I really don't want to see what happens this fall with the regular cold and flu season mixing with the Covid 19 virus. Be safe up there. I don't know how far away your nearest emergency clinic is. It's always my first thought when I think of the less populated places like where you live. It would freak me out if I didn't have medical care close by.

  6. Since March our county has had 4 deaths from the virus.
    It's nice to read you now have a new dryer.

  7. Yay to having the new dryer!

    Our county has had quite a few more deaths than your whole area. One county over...where I work (when I actually go into the office) is almost to 1k deaths

  8. Beautiful yard, gorgeous scenic area. Your garden is huge.!! Nice yard tour.

  9. There's a learning curve on the technical aspects of putting a blog together. You're able to post the video, so you're doing well.

  10. Glad you have your new dryer. Actually, I'm in awe of the things you are able to do on your blog.

  11. Thanks for all the info on the mountains Dora, they certainly are spectacular. You also have some gorgeous trees around you. I didn't realise you were so close to the Canadian border. Well done on losing some weight ✨

  12. The mountains sure are pretty and we like the blue sky too. That's too bad about your dryer hassles.

  13. I love the mountains.

  14. Someone did a video on microphones. I can't recall where I saw it, though.

  15. TQ for the video, what a beautiful place you live in. That's where I'd like to live, I can walk all day in the open country and ride a bike on the gravel roads. Surrounded by mountains, huge trees and blue skies and fluffy clouds, I am so envious!!. Strong winds too I can hear. Your neighbours are so far away. Over here, if I sneeze, they can hear me loud and clear!!

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Today Is Monday, February 10, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Still cold! My crud is pretty much over. For some odd reason I will have a minor coughing bout, at night. I feel some what ambitious. ( Ske...