Monday, May 25, 2020

Monday May 25 2020, This Is What Happen

Not sure how long this post may or not be. I went to the game reserve and thought this time I would share some photo I took today.

I was asked what happen with Regis. I haven't talk to him and I talk to the duty nurse at desk. He off ventilator.
But as what I can gather he was cleaning up his mess with some type of solvent and some how it ignited. Didn't see any matches, lighter, or sign of anything that would make spark. And his ashtray is in living room.
I mention about ventilation to him. See Regis has an arrogont side to him and don't take good solid advice.
I mention when weather is nice that you could take your crafts outside. And most of last week it was pouring rain. I should also said. Open the kitchen window, your slider, and one other window.
Well I am going to call him and see how he doing. I want him to recovery and best way is to rest.

So now I am working Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We will be fine. This is practicing when both Murphy and I each are drawing our social security check.

Today Liz and I went out for lunch. We both had french dip and on my dip I had fried onion and mushroom add, nice touch to it. Actual I like that way better, then just plain.
I didn't have starch a small dish of coleslaw.
Liz had the fries.
This isn't the complete story of eating out.
The table was spread far enough a part and the serving staff stayed there distance, although no mask.
This place served alcohol. A guy with no mask comes in and has a fire arm on his side. Gun and alcohol some isn't a good combo.
But there people who will pack a gun but won't wear a mask.
Couldn't say anything wrong with his behavior. Actual his behavior was top notch as everyone there was. Ok one lady seem to be having some drama moments. But never mind to it, none of my business either.
Angry is word I need to use on my feeling. Not quite in raged. We haven't yet had much covid 19 here in North Idaho, and none in my county.
My educated guess about 10% population at anytime wears a mask. Because I feel others are putting me endanger. There a lot of things I feel unsafe at. I am more a were of my environment. If a store look crowded I won't enter and because knowing the odds are only few have mask on.
I'm not going back to my weight lost group T.O.P.S. as the virus is still alive an well. I seen a few of our members out and about, no mask on.
I would love to go visit my sons, and when traveling I would be glad to wear a mask and follow the CDC guide lines.
But when I see a large percentage of people out and about. I feel there putting a damper on my life. And my freedom to be out and about. Now they think like 35 % OF POPULATION IS ASYMPTOMATIC
I have no symptoms of Covid, but I can't make the statement of not being asymptomatic on covid. I could be walking covid bomb. Main reason I wear a mask so I can protect you. I wish more people would protect me.

After work I did a little more organizing on my fabric.

Coffee is on



  1. In your last photo what is that tree with the gorgeous flowers? it's beautiful.
    I wish more people in your country would be more careful about going out or staying in. We are doing pretty well here in my state, but other Australian states still have a lot of virus cases.

    1. Hari OM
      Horse chestnut, I think, River. Yxx

  2. Anonymous1:44 AM

    As River said, the tree has a lovely flower. You should go and see your sons. Just keep your distance.

  3. Oh, boy, we live in such different worlds, gun-wise!
    Beautiful tree!

  4. Hari OM
    Lovely photos, Dora. You are very wise to take precautions and holdingback from places that feel too crowded. Your little graphic regarding masks says it all, really. There is no 100% safety now. YAM xx

  5. Yeah we those gun nuts here too. I know one guy with over 30 guns and he never uses any of them. His eyesight is bad and he rants that when "the liberals" need killing then he'll use them. I don't vote his way, wonder if he'd want to kill me if he knew. I got 25 cats fixed for them. I hear lots of angry rants from people sitting around on their lawn chairs or couches while I work at fixing their cats for nothing. Isn't that funny? I suppose ironic maybe.

  6. All the best to Regis. I wish more people would protect me, love that.

  7. Everything sure looks pretty and green. We wish more would wear masks here too but it's not likely to happen.

  8. I am not a fan of open carry. Here in Oklahoma we have gone one step further and passed a law that forbids passing laws that restrict gun use. Stupidity squared as far as I am concerned.

  9. Sending Regis healing thoughts. The game reserve looks like a nice place to visit.

  10. You had a lot on your plate. Keeping busy, tho, makes a day go faster. Stay safe (and yes masks are for all...protecting your neighbor & you.)

  11. I have the antibodies. I was aysmptomatic, or nearly so. Drew was very sick with the virus, and I had a couple of days with very mild symptoms, would never have suspected I had the virus if he wasn't so sick.


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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...