Thursday, March 26, 2020

Today Is Thursday March 26 2020, This Is What Happen.

Some of people isn't taking this virus serious. Not sure were there getting there info from. Hope all my blogger friends is taking this serious.

I am only putting in half of my assigned work time. The reason is to lessen the curve or cut the odds down for my self getting it or spreading it.
Hubby and I discuss what will happen if it comes into our community. It depends what percentage of people have it and action we will take.
Our state has issued an State of emergency and stay at home order. So that means only necessary business to be open, and jobs which they deemed necessary.  
As I come home. I go though the basement entry. First thing I do is spray my shoes all over including the soles, with bleach solution. Go to washing machine and strip down to my undies, toss clothes in machine. Then go up stairs wash my hand, head directly into the shower, and get re dressed. If more people would follow the recommendation to keep us all safe. I wouldn't have to do this.

One of my clients possible will have to have an stint removed from his pancreas duct. I been talking with his specialist office.
Well the surgery center been close down basically. Now they give a ranking of importance to the procedures, from one to four.
Not sure how a stint in pancreas duct rates.
Right now the surgery center is close to June. So this tells me this isn't a joking matter.
Looks like I will be practicing social distance and hanger down at home when possible. Plus here in United States were short of medical supplies, like mask.

There been a few changes at our small local hospitals. There the up stairs floor which is our 20 bed acute care and 28 bed extended care. The emergency room and some very minor procedures.
Then in lower level is business, cafe, labs, radiology and therapy. The hospital is allowing no visitors.
Depends on your business what is allowed...If it for possible labs if possible they will do curb side blood draw. If you have to go in for other business your pretty much on your own. The waiting room in lower level was complete empty.
Now if you need the emergency room If your arrive by ambulance you can pretty much get in. If you take your self or someone else takes you to emergency room a medical staff will come to emergency parking lot, and see what action might need to be taken. They're recommendation is to call the hospital if an ambulance isn't needed.
This is what I heard. Question time...What is your emergency room and health care area doing currently?

 I keep promising my self I would be doing more and yet nothing. Mange to get a small walk around the yard. What bothers me mainly about this stay at home quarantine and social distance that I don't get see my grandchildren. My oldest grand daughter will be 4 in April.

Coffee is on


  1. Dora, I’m in NY, the epicenter of the pandemic. this virus has my undivided attention and my utmost respect.

  2. It's pretty much a mess out there and we feel bad for those who are really having a tough go of it. Stay safe, healthy and virus-free.

  3. Stay safe, you are one of them who is doing it right.

  4. I notice from our newspaper stories that your own president isn't taking this seriously which makes me angry.
    Our blood collection centres have closed so if you have a blood test scheduled, too bad, just have to wait it out. Probably one or two might be open at certain times but I'm not going to phone around and run all over town to find them.

  5. Same as what River said...

  6. I've seen that meme a lot of late and others that are similar. Then I see pictures of hords at the beach and get angry. I see people lined up to shop, but they're elbow to elbow..again I get angry. I know how short medical supplies are. Have heard too many first hand accounts. I know masks that should be used once are being used too long, making people less safe. I am disturbed beyond words when I hear The man in Our White House speak. I am horrified so many fail to understand his words are not truthful about the numbers of supplies and tests etc. Scary times. Thank you for doing what you do. We are staying at home. Hubby has been working in the basement for 2 wks. Brought his monitors and things from work, so he's well set up. Ideal spot,'s a true basement. But, he need space so set up a very large work space by the washer. I have to careful when I do laundry if he's doing any conference calling etc. I'm ordering my groceries, having them delivered and keep a box by the door to quick put them in. I work out of the box with my disinfectant to wipe everything down I can. Open things to put in clean containers etc before taking to my kitchen. My state was one of the early ones to declare a state of emergency, and also one of the early ones to close up businesses, tell people to work from home and then issue stay at home orders. I'm in Ohio, where are you? Best of luck to you. Stay well.
    Sandy's Space Our emergency areas have tents set up for triage outside.

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    At one of our major hospitals four people who were undergoing cancer treatment became infected and two died. But really, our health care workers and carers continue to do a great job.

  8. My relatives in southeast Idaho don't think the virus is coming Idaho. Why they think that, I don't know.
    You have a good routine.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Stay safe and well … you are doing it right.

    All the best Jan

  10. It's going to hit everyone sooner or later. Probably sooner. Stay safe.


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