Sunday, March 08, 2020

today Is Sunday March 8 This Is What Happen

List my first ATC card for trade. Trying to do a set of theme cards related to food. This one is my "burrito"

In the Afternoon hubby and went for a drive out in our game reserve. KOOTENAI REFUGE

The small walk around the pond wasn't all that bad, no wind.

But there is vehicle tour of the reserve and the wind was just whipping across the valley. And saw   BEVY of swans. Wish I had something to keep camera sturdy. Swan isn't at this time one my SPIRIT ANIMALS

Talk briefly to my oldest son. Yesterday he was running a quite high fever and his wife want him to see medical profession. Well there time we all need to appease someone.

Re join up with Ancestry. I was sharing an account with my mother first cousin. And though his account I had my DNA done. When he died his son closed the account, total understand why. But now I am working on retrieving my DNA from them. Sure I can get resolved before end of the month.

Work day tomorrow going get tabs for car and take paper work to get taxes done.


  1. My spirit animal is turtle. Can you get a small tripod for your camera? Steady it on the ground then place the camera on top in the slot so it doesn't wobble.

    1. Excellent idea, River. I have a small one and it works well for stuff like this.

  2. I hope your son gets to feeling better, soon.

  3. Your burrito is pretty cute! I hope you son feels better, if he keeps running a fever he should get checked out.

  4. Your burrito card is so cool Dora :) It's not easy taking pics of flying birds at the best of times.. in windy conditions even harder. Hope your son recovers quickly.

  5. Everyone should be cautious of fevers right now. Cool burrito.

  6. I do hope your son feels better soon.

    I like your burrito card, and your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...