Monday, March 16, 2020

Today Is Monday March 16, This Is What Happen

I believe this is first time in all years of blogging that someone, like AUSSIE EMPTY NEST. Took a question I asked. I was wondering what sweede was. Two things I thought was interesting how many name is to describe rutabaga and also it is part of cabbage family.
So I briefly google “dreaming of rutabag” ...To see rutabaga in dream means that some near changes in your business life, will eventually have positive returns. Finally you are doing it!

My son who been sick with meningitis called, and sounded rough. But he said this is first day he felt some what normal. Didn't keep him phone long. He needs rest, so he can recover.

There starting to shut things down here in Idaho. Not sure which part curve we're on. But Wednesday our local school dist will be closing until April 5. Then they will analyze the situation. My guess by end of week most every thing here in Idaho will be on some type of shut down.
Not sure what is expect about my job. I am a personal care give in privacy in other people homes. I wouldn't be consider front line of defense when it comes to medical situation.
Some time this week I am going to call up my supervisors and see if there in plans of action for personal caregivers.

Did little shopping today. Got everything on list. Decided to check out the empty isles of toilet paper. Went to two stores to see what the sign read.
One of place it read...”No more then five items of toilet paper per transaction” Then the other place read...No more then two per family”
I seen a few doomsday type of shows. Then I meant a few doomsday and there getting ready for the big one. The world is coming to an end, or let say a majorly apart. I would think “You Nut Case”
I couldn't believe a loving so called God would destroy us. It sure looks like we are own worst enemy.

I had a little bit of time and move on next question about tarot card “Empress” I adore... Essence of every inch of being, from every little and or big aspect being...

Tomorrow taking one of my client to the doctor. In morning around 10:30 I am meeting Quenella at Under the Sun. Like above I believe this will be our last gathering. My guess about everything will be shut down or moving at snail pace.

Coffee is on


  1. Sorry your son is having a rough go. Hope he gets better soon. I was at the market today for a few last bit goodies. No crapper paper but plenty of face tissues, napkins and paper towels. The stores were real quiet tonight. No crowds.

  2. I don't know what restrictions are on toilet paper here, all I know is the shelves are empty every shop I go to no matter how early I get there.

  3. Hopefully your son recovers quickly!

    Everything here is shutting down in Maryland. They just closed gyms, casinos, restaurants and bars yesterday at 5pm. (Restaurants are takeout and delivery only...). I work in the pharmaceutical industry and as such, I am still going to work. Jason is appliance repair tech and he is also still working but his boss has offered ‘furlough’ whenever they want it. (Furlough because that means they can get unemployment)

    1. Ohhh. One store I went into over the weekend had a restriction of one package of TP a person.

  4. We sure hope your Son gets better every day. Be careful when you are out and about with clients.

  5. I will never understand this rush on Toilet paper in the whole world ! From Australia to the European countries and US States Toilet paper is horded. That schools are closed and also all activities cancelled I can understand, but Toilet Paper ??

  6. Everything is closed here except essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies. We are all being asked to social distance. In 24 hours we haven't had a new case in the closest city so that is good. It is uncertain times for sure. Be safe.

  7. Glad to hear your son is on the mend.

    I think you'd be considered vital. You assist people who need assistance. You're checking in on a vulnerable population. So long as you can stay well, I hope they keep you doing your vital service.

    The shut downs suck, but I keep hearing stories of people who have died of this thing. Best not to risk it if we can help it.

  8. I'm glad to hear that your son is a little better Dora, will probably take a while for him to get up to full strength. Yes the world is a sad place at the moment, hopefully not for too long. You take care of each other and enjoy a bit of chocolate now and then too, there are much worse things you could be eating :)

  9. Wishing your son a speedy recovery! Our schools are closed until about the same time as yours. Recently, Gov. Newsom stated that it may be that kids will not return to school until autumn. Things seem to be changing day by day.

    Be well,

  10. Hoping your son gets well soon.
    It's crazy here, some of the supermarkets have announced that shoppers can only buy two of each grocery item which might help stop the selfish idiots.

  11. Best wishes from here.
    A crazy world, too...


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...