Thursday, December 05, 2019

Today Is Thursday December 5, This Is What Happen

I guess we're on day 5 of blogmas. I miss day four of blogmas oh well. The only thing I done for holiday is a few cards and clear out my living room to put up snow man.
It look like I am all done with Christmas shopping. But there always those last minute gifts.

My friend Qunella grandson got killed in a car and train accident. She sure deals with a lot of death. Her daughter was killed in car wreak, and then her husband drop dead at 60 I believe. Now it her grandson.
It just her and her son left.

Let talk about work. Sometime I just don't understand people. I shouldn't say much because next paragraph I am going to question my own self.
Actual I know I am  even come across as hypocrite.
It seem when Liz suffer from depression and what I notice it seem to be related back to one of her children, and there all in there 30's
But we all have events in our life that has impact on all of us.
But when this happen to her she just sits on the couch and I mean sit there. I just don't understand someone who just sits there. And some level of crying.
Her therapist and such say she needs to get out. She says she can't. 
I will leave it there.

Then here my self who needs and want to loose weight. I know the basic steps and tools to do it. But do I do it. Simple answer is "No"
But to handle my anixity I nibble on mainly sweets. Oh don't worry I eat when it comes to other emotion.
Above I complain about Liz and I don't use my tools to deal with my eating issues.
Or I don't do my so called task on consistent bases that would help me become more healthier.
Like keeping track of my foods, don't get enough water, and or exersise.
But to me it seem like if I don't take a well balance and health lunch with me. It throws me off and n I tend to fall.
But I am not giving up. But I am thinking of adding OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS

Liz sits on couch and I eat and eat.

I appreciate the suggestion of books to read. End this month I will let you all know what book I choice.

Coffee is on


  1. I'm the same with losing weight. I know all the things to do, yet I sit by the computer or TV instead of getting out and walking and I eat all the wrong things as well as the right things. I seem to be snacking most of the day.

  2. I am really very sorry for your friend.
    Is your Liz on medication?
    Being strong is hard work... and maybe it´s the weather, too.

    1. Yes. But does she take like she need to that the question. I can only suggested and things like that when it comes to her meds.

  3. It's rather strange how in some families people die, a lot to deal with for that lady.

  4. Anonymous2:11 AM

    "My friend Qunella grandson got killed in a car and train accident"

    This is recent? How awful.

    1. I understand it happen Sunday and the body was so mangled that it was even hard to indentify. So they didn't know until Thursday.

  5. That's very sad for Qunella, yes, that is a lot of loss to deal with.

  6. Oh my gosh your friend certainly has had more than her fair share of grief Dora, it really doesn't seem right ✨

    1. No it doesn't and she is someone who has lovely soul.

  7. How tragic for Qunella, I am so sorry to hear it.

    Human emotion is very complex, isn't it? Liz becomes paralyzed, unable to function. You and I eat our emotions. others suffer panic attacks, or become addicted to routines. It's fascinating. I hope the therapist is able to help Liz through this.

    1. Her therpist has done wonder. Very much human emotion is complex

  8. Depression is very hard to understand and probably it's because it's not the same in 2 people. Years ago I worked for 2 physiologist, and one psychiatrist. Their patients were all so different. I don't wear make up, don't like the feel of it. Plus, actually don't think I look much different with it or without it. One of them asked me if I was depressed. Apparently Not taking care of yourself is often a sign of being depressed......they viewed not wearing make up as not taking care of yourself. The flip side of that is my older brother used to complain because he said I was so upbeat. What's that got to with your post.......things just sometimes don't make sense it seems to me. We all make choices, sometimes we're not even aware we are. So, maybe she's choosing to sit...I don't know. Just a week ago I started logging my food again to see if it will help me lose a few pounds. I've also started planking again and am trying to get back into yoga a bit...losing lots of flexibility as I'm getting older. Walking less than I did when the weather was nice.....trying to keep track of everything through fitbit and my fitnesspal....perhaps that would help you. My water bottle is empty. Going to the kitchen to refill it, suggest you do the same.
    Sandy's Space

  9. Sorry for your friends.

  10. Qunella is having a really rough time. There seem to be times when a bunch of people leave us. I hope she gets through it OK.


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Today Is Thursday, May 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Camera and laptop didn't want to cooperate, yesterday. Our snow apple tree is in bloom. Such a pretty tree. Did my morning walk. S...