Monday, December 23, 2019

Today Is Monday December 23, This Is What Happen

In two days I leave to Oregon. And I won't be blogger then. But today and tomorrow I can share some part of me with you.

I don't have T.O.P.S meeting and I thought of I had time to get off track, and make it up latter. Well I stayed with in my limits and or bounds. Although I went over my calorie count by 37. Not bad. For the week I average out at 1,998
My average step is 4,210. This is an area I need improvement. My goal is 7,500 steps.

Most of people seem to blog is from the baby boomer generation. But haven't seen anything on which ERA one might be from.
Myself I came from the 1960's ERA although it didn't have much impacted on me. In 1970 I turned 10.
Some fun and maybe not so from 1960
One could say I am in between the HIPPIE ERA and the YUPPIE ERA
My mother was born in the ROARING 20's and the DUST BOWL ERA Then my father was born in EDWARDIAN ERA and the 1910 ERA and I am not sure what that would be noted for.
Just a pipe dream or fantasy. I think it would be cool to make a piece of clothing from year my ancestors were born in.

Took Regis to Sandpoint. We went to Sandpoint first stop was library he got some DVDs. I didn't get anything. Look at Dr Who dvd they have great collection of them.
Filled paper work to see if they could find the dvd, The GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE
Then we stop at Cedar Street Bridge and Regis went to CREATIONS FOR SANDPOINT. Then I drop him off at GOOD WILL Opinion time...I have some question about the good will ethics 
Then I ran over to JC PENNEY and did little shopping for Liz. Then went back and picked up Regis at Goodwill.

That my day pretty much


  1. Busy day ...

    You and I are technically Baby Boomers...but we were born in the last part of that era, and I don’t feel a real connection with older Boomers ...

  2. I don't know that other countries think in eras like you do. I was born in Germany, 1952, that's post war era I suppose, but we came to Australia in 1953, so I'm now called a Baby Boomer. I'm not so sure I'd like clothing from 1952, all the women wore dresses with full skirts, that's way too much fabric and I prefer jeans and jean shorts anyway.

  3. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Christmas Eve here, so Merry Christmas.

  4. Lots of women in Germany went to Denmark in the early 70´s to get rid off of unwanted babies. My Mum did not. And then a girl. One wrote to my Dad "congrats to the baby, next year we wish you get the golden son".
    Crazy times.

  5. I was born in 1946...I don't mind being a "baby boomer" but my favorite era is the 19th century. "Born to late" as they say.
    Have a wonderful holiday season and a safe trip ☕

  6. Our Dad used to be a hippy, now he's sometimes dippy!

  7. I am a Gen Xer, born right in the middle of the 70s.

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

  8. It's a wonderful time of year, enjoy!

  9. I was born in 43 in the middle of the war in Germany and certainly not really wanted the city was bombed out. But I am here and I am enjoying blogging !

  10. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and safe travels.

    All the best Jan

  11. Gen X here. We seem to get forgotten a lot.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...