Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Today Is Tuesday November 5, This Is What Happen

Right now I am trying to figure where and what order to post my thoughts and actual event. I am trying to lay low off of facebook, usual the post just inflame me.
One of my relative post this on facebook not sure if he got it from some place else or came up with it on his own. "American Needs To Down All Mosques and Ban Islam. Bet You Want Post This" He wonder if anyone was going to share his post.
There those same relatives in mid sixty who thought  blacks having human rights was just plain wrong and believe me there thinking hasn't change. Now there up set that different part of gay community is asking for basic human right.
Statement time....I was born into the wrong family. I can relate to LISA SIMPSON 
After work today my husband and I went down and voted on a water levy. They want to get a bond so things can be up dated.
Anyone in Cabinet Mtn Water Dist can vote regardless if you are hooked up to it. There asking for under 9 million dollar.
It not going to increase property tax but if passes our monthly water rate will go up. Any how they didn't explain it very well how it will be paid for. I went to one of there meeting and talk to the board.

This morning I woke with horrible anxiety and I surely wasn't going to let it control my life. Went to weigh in at our local T.O.P.S meeting and for there scales I had maintain.
There scale says I weigh 200 pounds even.
Confession time...I am craving a Cinnamon roll. Just might have to stop in at THE BREAD BASKET to get a cinnamon roll.
I try to limited my sweet to Tuesday and Wednesday.

After weigh in I meant my friend Quenella at UNDER THE SUN for some coffee there something new they start, a coffee club.
It simple you bring your own cup and they place it in the old bolts, washer, screws and such...holders. Not sure what correct term is.
See at one time Under the Sun was hardware store called "Lindsay and Helmer Hardware" It was even neat business back then.
I hope there coffee club works out I see lot fun possibilities.
My cup I brought in for the coffee club. Paid a quarter for it at local thrift shop. Can you guess what my zodiac sign.

Did get anther Seattle choc bar. A would prefer it more of darker chocolate. But so far I liked the Seattle Chocolate.

At our local library later on in month they will be hosting Mary who wrote a book called FINDING THE LIGHT WITH IN.
So Quenella and I went across the street I got book.
The local book store also carries a few other neat items. They have some interesting cards and thought of sending this to my friend Lottia.
I didn't know anything about who put out this card. I went to there site, SYRACUSE CULTURAL WORKERS

At Apartment where Regis live there raking them into big pile and hauling them off. Confession time...I felt like running a real fast and jumping into the pile of leaves.

Coffee is on


  1. Your relative sounds like a real “joy”. I have to wonder how such people reconcile their bigotry with American ideals such as equal rights...

    1. I have anther one who saw a lady in the grocery store, in a full burka, report her to the authority.
      I bet he sound pretty foolish.

  2. "Make Art Not War" sure is an answer.
    Fear and ignorance (as in not knowing) but also the lack of integration sure make this problem - will we ever solve it?

    1. I know it ignorance. But some people either like being that way or don't try to expand.
      Coffee is on

  3. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Sometimes extended family political views are surprising but mine are not as extreme as yours.

    1. I do have some on the other side on political scale, but they live in other areas.
      The one complain about muslim there uncle is gay man. My cousin.

  4. Oh you made me smile Dora, I pictured you running and jumping into the pile of leaves, it would have tempted me also 🍁

  5. Hari OM
    As the Hindu in an agnostic/atheistic family in a predominantly Christian society, I have faced some bigotry. I can never understand how, even though they would say they 'know' me, how little they understand - or are prepared to make the efforts for. Hey ho...

    I love the idea of the coffee cups having their own wee cubby holes - I do hope it does keep going for you. YAM xx

    1. It bothers me when people are putting in little boxes.

  6. I think it's ignorance and fear from the unknown which makes people to racists.

    1. Fear and ingorance goes together usual.

  7. Sadly, racism will likely never be stamped out, but society has come a long way towards inclusion and acceptance. Yup, there sure is a lot of crap floating around Facebook. Best to ignore and scroll on. Jumping into a pile of leaves was such fun when we were young! The idea made me smile. ☺ Thanks, Dora.

  8. There is something so good about running and jumping in a pile of Autumn leaves … although the person who racked it neatly into a pile is not always happy!!!

    On seconds thoughts perhaps a walk in the woods where the leaves are falling would be nice :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Pisces you are! I love mugs.

  10. An old friend of my mother's found me on Facebook, but I keep having to mute her posts. I may unfriend her. The things she posts... But I have a hard and fast rule. If they have the phrase "I bet no one will repost this" or some such passive/aggressive BS, I won't repost. They said I wouldn't, so I won't.

  11. It's a shame that there is so much intolerance and hate in the world. Good luck with your diet! Valerie

  12. Mugs are comforting to me. Mine have special meanings to me and I do have my few favorites ☕

    Jumping into a pile of leaves...is a great childhood memory of mine 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁

    Have a Lovely Evening 🌙

  13. Well, gosh darn it, now I want a cinnamon roll too!
    I like kicking through piles of autumn leaves whenever I go to the Botanic Gardens after Easter.


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Today Is Friday, June 1, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It now June. Went to art and worked in our journals. Today theme is trying to reach our goals, and something interferes. Which even might b...