Thursday, November 21, 2019

Today Is Thursday November 21, This Is What Happen

I real like my titles now. Lot simpler and I guess starting next year I will have the year to it. When I have a chance I been watch the impeachment trail of our President. As many of you can guess I am not Trump fan.

Been having trouble getting my hours in. Liz had company at this time. Hopeful Saturday I will be able to take my client to some of local craft things.  I believe there four in community. Two of them our both Friday and Saturday.
The one I want to attend is the Mennonite one. Hope to find a gift for my daughter in laws parents and plus they have real good chili with corn bread.
Then the other three is at our fairgrounds, St Ann Catholic Church, and Middle School.
Then I believe this up coming Sunday is our Community Thanksgiving dinner, which is put on by local Christan churches.
Usual I go. But this year I doubt it. I need some home time or non social time.

Liz has company and I haven't gotten my hours in. So hopeful before end of the week I will have my hours in or a lease finish them up.
Ended up coming home early. Regis pretty much has his hours in.
But I know they will enjoy seeing all the crafts and bake good items.
Plus yesterday Murphy wash the curtain from our living room window and he did something to his back.
So he was glad to see me. I finish up the dishes and got load of laundry done.

Last two days we been having blue skies and which been helping my attitude. Been slowly getting things done in bullet journal for 2020. This time I got larger one and figured it will hold a least half of the year. Which will be til end of June.
Made video on Paganism and if all goes right I will have that up tomorrow.

Coffee is on


  1. It's always good to see blue skies, they help keep your mood good and lift the spirit!

    All the best Jan

  2. Glad you are getting the blue skies you need.

  3. Sounds like good weather. Hopefully you'll get your hours in soon.

  4. nice that you have blue skies to cheer you up. I need to wash my living room curtains too, but it means getting up on a ladder so I need to wait for help. I fell off the ladder too any times in the past, I keep forgetting how many steps I went up and I step for the floor when I'm still too high and down I go. never hurt yet, but not taking any more chances.

  5. Oh, surprise, you´re not a Trump fan ;-)
    Yes, I wish I could see a blue sky here, too. Grey, grey, grey...

  6. Hi Dora oh your fairs sound fantastic,never know what you will find at them.
    Blue skies are great for cheering you up,enjoy your cupopa my friend xx

  7. As you can imagine, my attention is also focused on Adam Schiff's committee. The revelations I am hearing....

  8. Blue skies definitely make it easier to get on with things Dora.. I have such a long list of things I have to do before Christmas,looking forward to crossing them off 😉

  9. Your titles for your postings are working very well.
    Blue skies are beautiful to look at and bring a smile to my heart.
    I always look forward to and enjoy your postings and your YouTube videos.
    Have a great day 💮


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...